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Honoured with love novel Chapter 4

Sixteen years of age...

Five months pregnant...


Papa has been generous enough not to force the matter of us telling Celestes family that she is pregnant. It has been a hard road and we are only halfway through her pregnancy. Mama urged Papa to hire me in our family clinic so I can earn money to support my new family with. We ordered a few pieces of furniture for the nursery online to avoid any of the town's gossip. Papa cleared out his home office and repainted the walls a beige colour and plastered a bundle of Dr Seuss quote stickers on top. 

"This one will be the wisest of us all" He proudly said puffing his chest out. 

We're all excited about our new Venturi addition to the family and can't wait to find out the sex. I can't thank the gods enough for their guiding hands in leading my Celeste and child through the path of protection. I just wish my Celeste would ease up a little and enjoy the changes happening to her body. She looks stunning with her bump forming. I smile just thinking about her and imaging what she will look like full term. 

"YOU!" A loud scream fills the clinic. 

I look up to see my beautiful Celeste being dragged by the hand of her mother across the room straight towards me. I stand and walk around the reception desk. 

"Is this your doing?" Her mother yells at me, lifting Celeste's top exposing her tiny bump. 

"Si," I answer. 

I look at Celeste and her eyes are on mine filling with tears shaking her head. 

"What were you thinking?" She said turning Celeste to the side and pointing at the dove tattoo on her hip. 

I sigh with relief. "We have matching tattoos." I lift my top and show her. 

"I don't want you anywhere near my daughter." Her eyes narrow and she pokes me in the chest. "Stay away." She threatens me. 

"Or what?" I ask challenging her.

"I'll go to the police and get a protection order out against you." She huffed.

"I haven't done anything to put your daughter in danger." Anger starts to build in the pit of my stomach. 

"But they won't know that now will they?" She says with a snarky attitude. 

" You would lie to keep me away from her?" My hand's clinch, forming into fists. 

"You can bet your dirty little Italian ass I will." She glares at me. 

"That is quite enough Mrs Maddison." My mama calls out as she walks directly towards us. 

" I will not have you talking to my son like that in my place of work. Next time save your confrontations for an appropriate time and place." Mama says standing in front of me, sheilding me from her vile assumptions. 

"Now, where would the fun be in that?"  She lifts her face and looks around the room.

Multiple pairs of eyes look back with amusement. She looks back at us.

"I think I've gotten my point across." She abruptly turns and leaves the clinic dragging my future family along with her. 

"Gio." My mother's voice is full of pain.

"I know mama, I know." I lean into her open arms and hug her. 

"We have to tell your Papa. We can't keep this from him, you know it will get back to him and he will be furious hearing it from someone elses mouth other than yours " She pats my head.

I pull back and look up at her. "I will mama. I promise." 

"Good. Now, fix yourself up. My Venturi men don't crumble for no one." She says with a sly smirk. 

I worked my shift feeling miserable thinking about my Celeste. Desperate to know if she was well and safe. I messaged her a dozen times and she still hadn't messaged me back. Fear seeps into my heart. 


Chapter 04 1


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