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Hot Men Society Series: Desire of Mr. Fuck Boy novel Chapter 20


The double doors opened as two red uniformed men pulled it revealing a grand ballroom behind it. The theme of the party seemed to be golden and silver colors. I again stood at the entrance, gawking at the decorations done. And again, Mayank pulled me in as I got lost admiring the preparations done for their special day.

The entire decor was giving me a feeling as if I was about to meet a king and queen of some state.

To the left of the hall was a wooden stage set up for the couple to address their guests. It was decorated with numerous photos of Mr. and Mrs. Dhoopar in their youthful days. They really looked deep in love.

There were several tables placed for the guests which were assigned by their names. Mr. Sumit led the way and the rest of the two of us followed. There were atleast 200 people present in the ceremony leading to quite a lot of hustle and bustle. Luckily, our table was in the front row.

Once seated, I took a sweeping look at my surroundings.

While Mr. Dhoopar was busy attending to his guests, most likely the ministers of the cabinet, Mrs. Dhoopar on the other hand, could not stop gushing about her diamond necklace and earrings set.

"Pretty amusing!" I thought, giving a half smile.

Mr. Dhoopar was a tall man in his late 60s, a very sophisticated person though. Each and every word he spoke was measured, calculated. He had a french beard with grey eyes, that gave him a don't-mess-with-me look. He had worn a black three piece suit. I was fascinated with the way he was carrying himself, with great authority.

"Still, he doesn't have the enigma like that stranger in the den." My subconscious mind whispered.

What!? From where did that come from? I winced on... I don't know what. That guy wasn't ready to leave my head.

On the other hand, Mrs Dhoopar draped herself with an orange Sabhyasachi saree, pairing it with that diamond set. It was apparently her anniversary gift. She was a plumb, fair as the snow lady with attractive blue eyes. She and the other ladies from her kitty were gossiping about the alliance she had bagged for her daughter with one of the devils. I couldn't properly hear the name of the guy, it possibly started with A though.

"Perfect opposites of one other and perfectly perfect for each other too!" I thought for the Dhoopars.

We were seated in front of the stage. Behind us, on the other end of the hall, was a big heart, from the top ceiling to the floor, made up of red and white roses. Several girls, around my age were busy taking hundreds of selfies there. Some guys were chatting and flirting with the 'chics' they found 'hot'. Every single person seemed to have spent lakhs of rupees to get ready for this one night.

"Thank god I didn't come wearing Anarkali!" I mentally patted myself for not touching Anarkali for a party like this. She's my favorite though... Haven't I told you about her? Well.... she's my favorite pink coloured salvar kameez. I repeat... Do Not Judge Me. I like naming my stuff. It makes me feel I have friends.

Through the heart, the way led to a medium sized garden, fully decorated with scented candles, were the banquet had been arranged.

In short, everything was marvelous!

Then, I waiter come towards me, with a tray, full of differently coloured liquids in those typical narrow mouthed wine glasses, high up in the air in one hand.

"Madam.... Merlot, Grenach, Gamay or Martini?" He asked bringing the tray in front of me. I kept mum. This caught the attention of the father and hs filthy son beside me.

Never in my life, had I ever tasted wine or alcohol. I didn't even know the difference between the two if any. What should I supposingly say? I kept staring at the glasses, embarrassed, my face acquiring a red tint.


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