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Hot Men Society Series: Desire of Mr. Fuck Boy novel Chapter 22


"Cum for me baby." I rasped in the ears of Julie, Maria...hell whatever her name was. "Mmmmhh" came a response as I pumped three of my fingers within her core.

Currently, I was in one of the clubs of Mumbai 'foreplaying' with one of the waitress. I purposely chose some dingy, dark corner of the club, where I couldn't see her face. I had kept my eyes shut tightly imagining that girl's face coming each night in my wet dreams - Jennifer. I was getting restless for not being able to see her all these days. I had to vent it out somewhere....

I had decided to get her one week after, looking at her security from my rivals which was also a concern. And apart from it, I had many more deals and trading to do.

Moreover, it was not a cakewalk to control the arms, bomb and the drug racket across the country and beyond it. It possessed untold, unseen and almost invisible threats. I couldn't straightaway go and get her. I need to look for a correct time and then make a move. We had a hell lot of rivals than friends and making Jennifer their easy target was the last thing I wanted to happen.

If kissing her was a colossal mistake of mine, then digging information about her was even a more grave blunder I had done. It had been two days since we had changed the baits.


"I want her.... until forever!" I announced determined to make her mine.

"Then we need to find a way to get through Dhoopar! Rejecting his proposal shall only threaten our well established syndicate. The drug-dealing cannot be hampered at any cost." Interjected Shiv, who till now had been quietly assessing the situation.

Yes, it was true. I was treading the dangerous waters by giving up Nayantara and going for Jennifer. That meant no relaxation from the government restrictions, which in long term basis would only deviate us from our ultimate goal.

Disruption of the drug supply in the black market meant loss of control on the shares, which could crumble the sacrifices we had put in to build up this network since the last ten years. The Russians were unusally quite for the last three months, and if they struck us when we were already low with the profits, it could be a lethal blow, altogetherly. This was one of the reasons why I had not rightaway claimed Jennifer.

There was only way of overcoming this hurdle, only if....

"We need to change our baits. While I change my track, Abhi can tread over mine." I asserted. The moment the words left my mouth, I dare say I saw a mysterious glint in Abhi's eyes. Yes, the Hunter of our bombast of devils who was known to be the most merciless out of the four of us, seemed to be drawn in the proposition, for a girl. I was amused. Afterall, who said the Devil can't have a heart beating for someone else? I myself had become a living example of that irony.

Nevertheless, Abhi still asked, masking his interest with nonchalance"What do you mean exactly?"

I smirked. This caught him off-gaurd.

"While I go for Jennifer, you claim Nayantara Dhoopar."


I soon after called Ayaan to provide me with all the information regarding my tigress. He had provided me with all the information within an hour.

Soon on my table laid the file of Jennifer Mathews, with her full name on it. It didn't have any particular info regarding her childhood except for the school she had attended in Mumbai. A strange sense of pride filled my chest when I glanced at her academic excellence. She had always been a number one student, be it her school, college or university. She was even chosen in an university based on full scholarship. Every time I would flip a page of the file, each time she seemed to claim another piece of my mind and soul(if left) . This girl was full of surprises!

I had not even given a thought close to her being a police agent along with actually being a cardiac surgeon. The file was basically her whole life printed on those white sheets of paper, only excluding her childhood, and details like date of birth, name of parents. This alarmed me a bit. But soon I relaxed.

Not that I have a problem in knowing more about her by her itself. I thought mentally, giving a small smile.

I also located her residence which was a middle-class colony with six blocks in total. She lived in block-B on the second floor of the four storeyed building. Plus, she owned a red car which seemed to be a ridiculous hybrid of alto and nano. NO OFFENCE!


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