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Hot Men Society Series: Desire of Mr. Fuck Boy novel Chapter 24


The sun rays stretched out from the clouds like long, artistic fingers as they seeped into my room from the window. It made the room warm and me, cozy. But that's not what woke me up.

My alarm clock placed on the side table had got one great job to do each day. It was of waking me up at 5 am daily. Meditation and yoga was a must for half an hour in the morning, always round the year without any exception for any day. All these years, it had never dissappointed me. But today, even that wasn't the reason I got up at 9 in the morning.

"Who turned off the alarm clock?"

Was what I had been wondering.

What actually woke me up was the yelling taking place in the living room. Though the door of my room was closed, still the shouts of father were prominent. I could hear them clearly.

For what is he shouting in this early hour of the day!?

I mentally groaned. By body was aching badly and my head seemed to be spinning, even after sleeping for more in the morning. It felt as if I had been thrown into a juicer and I was helplessly whirling in that machine.

Then, something struck me.

How did I get here? I was at the party.... in the ballroom... then, someone screamed about fire... then?

After that point, my mind was completely blank. I was clutching the bedsheet tightly as I tried to remember how I ended up in my bedroom.

Maybe a considerate and caring person helped me get here? Was it Tara? I wondered.

But whoever it was, that person would really have been an angel.... a person with golden heart...

I thought mentally, with a genuine smile on my face.

I quickly got up from the bed and was about to proceed towards the bathroom when I halted on my tracks. The sound of the T.V. grabbed my attention and the next moment, I was peeping out of my room to hear what the distress was all about.

"Our sources inform that Mr. Mayank Prakash was found hanging from the ceiling of his villa located in Bandra. Apparently, the cops have also found a confession letter near the corpse were Mr. Prakash accepted his crimes including him being a pedophile."

The news reporter informed.

"No! No! No! It's a murder! I am damn sure! What the hell! How did this happen?!" Thundered father. He had already become hysterical. He was relentlessly trying different numbers on his phone to see whether the news was accurate or a bluff.

"The police informed that the handwriting in the confession letter matches with Mr. Prakash's. There are no signs of any struggle in the body which confirm it to be a self-willed suicide."

"I am damn sure there's some or the other foul play... he was perfectly fine last night! How can he possibly do this? What about the alliance now!?" To say that father was shocked would be an understatement. He was shaken on this sudden development.

"Well... we'll ditch it! What more!?"

Screamed my overly thrilled mind. I was barely controlling myself from screaming out loud, giggle and dance in the middle of the living room.

I wanted to rejoice, laugh and throw pillows here and there. I had to press my hand on my mouth to prevent myself from squealing out of my uncontrollable happiness!


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