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House Of Legions (The Angel Descendants book 1) novel Chapter 45

“I have to go greet the Elvan before they leave, the effects should last till morning.” He winked at her and walked away.

She looked around the people staring openly at her. She wanted to talk to them, but the looks they were giving her told her to do otherwise, turn and run.

The place was darker without the fire, as people moved around, most wearing brown leather pants and t-shirts, discarding their robes at some time. They walked with sheaths on the waist, swords protruding proudly out. She scattered her eyes across the bayou, able to see the glint on the water bed, reflecting the protective shield.

She looked up at the sky and saw that the seals had been put up and the place was lighting up slowly, but that was not what caught her breath, it was when she dropped her sight and saw a pair of eyes. The rich golden hues belonged to the Caster, who she saw staring at her when Nathan and she passed him to walk to the lake. There was something familiar about him, but she brushed it off, now she wished she hadn’t.

The eyes stared back at her, it gave her a shiver. She thought of Kalbreal, but he was an Angel, this was a Caster. Instincts had her look more closely. Her eyes blinked twice, just to be sure she wasn’t imagining things because the person was gone. she looked around, but nothing, poof, gone. These people were strange, it was hard to believe she had been one of them, especially harder to believe she had been raised a Lightwatcher for ten years.

The Caster who did the ceremony held his hand out and shook hers. It had been half an hour, wandering in the bayou, before she turned, when some strange person called to her, she turned and saw everybody lined up to hug her. She thought it was weird at first, but realized that they didn't know her body rejected the Gazool, if they had, she gathered these fake welcomings wouldn’t be so false or welcome.

She considered what Nathan told her and played along, hugging the people. Finding the whole thing so much easier because of what Nathan had done to her. She felt different, more like a buzzed out high different, and for the first time since her mother passed away today, she didn’t feel sad or entranced by a faceless man. Only peace, as if she said it aloud, a voice whispered, a mere breath from her neck, “how do you feel?”

It was Kalbreal, she smiled at him, she could’ve replied with dizzy, high, good, peaceful, a little overwhelmed, but instead, she crooned, “Don’t tell, Angel-boy wants a hug too.”

He paused at the thought, taken off guard by her boldness, “No, I’ll pass.”

She teased, “You're not going to change your mind? the offer is closing. What’s it gonna be Angel-boy?” She waited, then shook her head in mock horror, “Your loss, offer’s sealed.”

“Maybe if you offer me something more lucrative than just a hug, like a touch of those gorgeous breasts.”

Clare stared at him, in shock, her mouth making a big oh. Her cheeks turned crimson when she saw the knowing look he gave her.

His ginger and black hair was so straight down his neck, and shone in the glistening night, especially now that the seals were back up in the sky. She thought about his question, and a smart come back, but she kept coming up blank, opening and shutting her mouth.

She wondered if he saw what the mystery Caster did, but she knew that he couldn’t, nobody could, his hand was in the robe, surely Kalbreal was just bluffing, not even her brother could’ve seen it. The eyes that stared at her, told her differently.

“Where were you?”

“Around.” His demeanour straightened, so quickly as the playfulness left him, “Your presence is requested at the chambers of descendants.”


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