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House Of Legions (The Angel Descendants book 1) novel Chapter 55

“Why were the sirens on?”

“The Orderian have arrived, it’s to notify Lightwatchers that the seal is being opened, so they should be wary for any uninvited guest, hence the quietness.”

“You mean demons and Tempters.”

“Among other things, enough questions, go shower and change, I’ll meet you out front.”

She nodded, he was almost out the door, when he gave a backward glance, “Oh and wear the Armor on your bed, Nadia sent them for you.”

“She seems nice enough, I don’t know why you have issues with her. If you ask me, I would think she might even have a thing for you.”

He gave her a crooked look, “Good thing I didn't. The ones who show you kindness so quickly are the people you should be most afraid of Clare, this is no fairytale, you trust the wrong person, you dead.”

The words stuck in the air like a constant scent even after he exited the room saying no more.

She glared at the mess she made, “You trust the wrong person, you dead.”

Those words were so true, but who did her mother trust. Shaking her head she laughed at the absurdity that her mother had kept this all from her. She never would’ve guessed that all this was real, even with the signs smack in her face, even living in the proof, she still had doubts.

Grabbing the brown Armor from her bed she walked out into the passage, down the lobby, and into Nathans bedroom where she showered and changed.

It was a good hour later when Nathan finally appeared at the entrance of the castle. He, like her, wore brown Armor, which consisted of leather pants and a t-shirt that looked cotton but was much stronger, and lace-up black boots that felt much lighter than they looked. She’d tied her hair in a high ponytail so that it was out of her face.

“You all ready sister, come on, Kalbreal's waiting outside.”

Clare followed him out the castle doors, and spotted Kalbreal instantly, wearing grey leathers and a white shirt loosely buttoned.

She liked the grey better than the brown. She was about to say something but stopped when she saw the frown marred on his face. He didn’t seem to be that thrilled to see her, but he was as confusing to read as Latin words in her mind, so she didn’t let it bother her.

She spun around, “Is it just the three of us, I thought Nadia and Alonso are like your pals.”

Kalbreal laughed, a streak of ginger hair dangled in his eye, the tip rested below his cheekbone complimenting his eyes. Hair so straight and silky always moving as he walked, “Your brother knows Nadia because they grew up together, I won’t really call them PALS.”

Nathan squinted in Kalbreal’s direction as he commented, “She thinks she’s the hottest thing since Megan fox.”


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