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House Of Legions (The Angel Descendants book 1) novel Chapter 70

Crowds of people surrounded her, mumbling, some talking louder than most. She rubbed her head, and got up, seeing her brother beside her in a crouched position. She flung herself into his arms, and he gripped her tight, his hair tickled her cheek. She didn’t let him go, but bent her neck back to give him a smile, which faded when she saw his brow line, furrowed “How long was I out?”

“Half hour give or take, but it felt like fifty lifetimes, I’m sure I have some grey somewhere.”

“I think I just got my memory back, not everything, I can’t remember my full training, and stuff about being a Lightwatcher, but I remember you and dad, and Cal and his tricks, enough to know that I’m a Lightwatcher, and you my brother,” he smiled with his eyes but it was forced.

Clare had a strange feeling that her brother hoped that wouldn’t have been the case, she caught the flash of worry, before he discarded it, “Wanna get up?”

She nodded, and looked in the front, where she now stood hugging Nathan and locked eyes with Kalbreal. He didn’t hide his emotions, there was no doubt of the unhappiness sketched on his face, his eyes seemed hotter, blazingly so, but why? Did he think she would hate him? He saved her life, by risking his own, a true selfless act, if anything she liked him a bit more, but now wasn’t the time to dwell on the past, she needed to focus on the future. So she ignored the questions and emotions that now swirled internally as she walked up to the centre of the stage, with a new form of confidence and surety and approached the stand, with a quick nod to Annabelle.

“Lightwatchers, and Orderian,” the room quieted after a few minutes, some took seats, whilst others stood, “I Clare Moonstone, stand before you, as a Lightwatcher BUT most important as a sister, I know it’s not my place to talk.” She looked at an older man, a member of the Garde, “I am a minor in your eyes, but I seek guidance in my elders and assistance. I don’t ask you permission, my mind is made up, I am no servant to the Garde or the Orderian, and since the Advisors are not forth, well you get what I am saying.”

A woman spoke from the crowd, “You are a child, you can’t go on a quest it’s forbidden, you haven’t even ascended.”

Clare ignored her, “We are suppose to love and care for our families, that’s what makes us part human. A Tempter has my younger brother, a minor, I don’t know why.”


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