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How Death Became My Rebirth (Cassandra Yates) novel Chapter 225

Chapter 225 

The team’s discipline was already out of order. Sofia took the opportunity to walk up to Cassandra. and said, Cassandra, let it go. There are only a few days left for training anyway. There is no need to bet on yourself just for the break.” 

The 50 laps mentioned by Emma sounded horrifying

Emma was good at shooting, and few people could beat her. Even she couldn’t reach the score of 9 points per shot, not to mention Cassandra’s score just now was a little miserable

If she lost and ran 50 laps, she couldn’t stand it

But before Cassandra could speak, Kayden and Kenneth had arrived

Mr. Zelinski.” 

Baron saluted Kenneth

What’s going on?Kenneth asked

Kenneth frowned after Baron told him everything that had happened just now

Kenneth thought, What does Cass want to go out for

‘For Benjamin’s funeral

It seems to be today. Is she going to give a surprise?” 

Well, I agree,” Kenneth said. Then he said to Baron, If you lose, you’ll run 50 laps.” 

It was a shame

Baron was speechless

He thought, Does he need to be that ruthless?” 

Only Kenneth knew that Emma would definitely run 50 laps around the playground if she competed with Cassandra

In the case of running when Cassandra and her opponents were moving, she could hit their tires. with accuracy

Even Yannick couldn’t compete with her in the actual combat, let alone those students

Emma didn’t expect that Kenneth would agree so easily

She thought, Humph, you really have a misdemeanor. How dare you seduce Mr. Zelinski in private? Although Mr. Zelinski wears a mask, judging from half of his face, I can tell that he must be very handsome and the perfectappearance I’ve ever seen

Cassandra went to the prep stand and was ready for the competition. The equipment had been put on, so Emma had no choice but to step forward


Chapter 225 

Emma said to Cassandra, I hope you can abide by the bet, instead of not taking it seriously just because you have a backer.” 



Cassandra said, Instead of worrying about me, you should worry about yourself. Think about how to run 50 laps.” 

Seeing that they were all ready, Baron said, Shoot.” The gun sounded as a signal

BangBang Bang… 

Cassandra fired ten shots at once, put down the gun, and took off her earmuffs and goggles

Read the target.” 

Cassandra stepped down and stood in front of the line

Emma also finished. Mr. Moore, please read mine first.” 

Emma wanted Baron to read her target first because she thought she was the best shooter and enjoyed certain privileges

She thought she could defeat Cassandra with an overwhelming victory

Baron glanced at Kenneth and Cassandra and felt helpless. He didn’t care if she was an ordinary student, but it was Emery. Baron felt scared

Cassandra said indifferently, I don’t mind.” 

Baron breathed a sigh of relief, walked to Emma, and the target moved in front of him. Emma


Compared with just now, she had improved. Once reaching 9 points, it was hard for one to make a breakthrough

Baron walked to Cassandra’s position and the target moved in front of him. Cassandra, 10.9?” 

He couldn’t believe what he saw. He wondered, Didn’t she just get 2.5 points? How could that happen?” 

Kenneth smiled. Even Kayden felt honored as his younger sister was so excellent

Even if Cassandra hadn’t accepted them yet, it didn’t affect his pride

Emma couldn’t believe it. She thought, ’10.9? Who got 10.9? Cassandra?‘ 

No! Impossible!Emma didn’t believe it at all. She walked forward and looked at Cassandra’s target, and she was silent

It was really 10.9

You cheated.Emma didn’t believe that Cassandra could do so well. During the practice just now, you only got a 2.5 score with 5 shots and failed. How can you get 10.9 points now?” 

11:29 Wed, 6 Mar RD 

Chapter 225 

Emma thought, Someone must have helped her. Yeah, she knows Mr. Zelinski. He must have tampered with the target

Cassandra said, Who told you that I used all my strength before?” 

Baron said that those with the lowest scores were not qualified, so she just needed not to be at the bottom

YouEmma couldn’t speak

Kenneth smiled and thought, Is Cass pretending to be weak?” 

A 2:5 score with 5 shots was really a bad score, but for Cassandra, even if she closed her eyes to shoot, she would get a better score. She must have deliberately done that

I won. According to the bet,Cassandra said and looked at Emma. You have to run 50 laps around the playground. That’s what you said.” 

Cassandra turned to Baron and said, Mr. Moore, it’s our turn.” 

Baron was speechless

He really wanted to go back to half an hour ago and beat himself for making a hasty choice

Cassandra, I don’t think it’s necessary.” 

Baron thought, It’s embarrassing to lose

Cassandra said, No, I want a threeday break rather than one day.” 

It was the socalled sow the wind and reap the whirlwind

Baron glanced at Kenneth, only to see Kenneth staring at him. Baron swallowed unconsciously

He had to do it

As imagined, Baron got 10.8 points

Cassandra got 10.9 points again

She had three days of vacation

Kenneth said, Well, since Cassandra wins, you have a threeday break. I will tell the doorkeeper that you can go out with your written request for leave.” 

Cassandra said, Thank you, Mr/Zelinski.” 

That was awesome

Kenneth had no reason to stay there, so he and Kayden were about to leave

Mr. Zelinski, it’s inappropriate. Don’t you think it is ridiculous that your soldier lost to Cassandra, a student?said Emma


wed, 6 Ma 

Clupter 225 

Emma just didn’t believe that Cassandra was so powerful that even defeated Baron

Her words made everyone present stunned


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