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How Death Became My Rebirth (Cassandra Yates) novel Chapter 232

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 65.
1288 Vouchers
“This has gone too far.” The rage that keeps threatening to bubble over is back at the surface, I don’t know why I’m so da mn angry all the time lately. “You done fondling them?” I snap at Rowan, he arches his eyebrows at me and drops the little baggy back onto the bare bed. At some point someone has come in and stripped all the linen and taken it away, either that or there was never on the bed to begin with.
“I’ll ask around, see if we know anyone who can test this but I would put money on this being the same shi t John was on.” I run my hands through my hair as Rowan turns over each of the little bags of white powder, I’ve seen enough drugs on my travels to know that this is cocaine, maybe even a blend with something else. Selena told me John was on a mix of drugs, maybe they are cutting it all together and mixing it, it would certainly explain why shifters are getting high off
“I want this s hit off Pack land, Sophie can’t stay here. Goddess knows how much more is stashed in this house.” Rowan nods his head at me as he scoops up all of the baggies I’ve found so far, they were stashed all over the bedroom. At first I was looking for a clue as to where LIsa might have gone but when I found the first bag I started ripping the room apart. Nowhere in this room has been safe from my eyes, I found some in her pantie drawer, in with her tops and even behind the frame of a photograph of her mate.
“I’ll get the warriors in to strip the rest of the house.” I shake my head as Rowan pulls out his ever present notepad, “no? Who then?”
His Rogue Omega Chapter 65.
208 Vouchers
“You and Heath, I don’t want the warriors in on this. After John I can’t be sure who is doing the drugs or even dealing. He said someone was getting it to him in the cells, which means someone in this Pack iş dealing or at least delivering.” I knew I was going to have problems with trust but I didn’t think it was going to come with drugs, dealers and possible sex trafficking. “What’s my mother been up to lately? And Vince?” is suspicious to me that Vince has just slunk off into the background, everything I know about that man says he would do the opposite. He left far too easy and my mother only seems to pop up now and again.
“Not sure, your mother is out or in her room more often than not and Vince is bouncing from sofa to sofa. He doesn’t have a permanent home yet.” Rowan scribbles something on his notepad and then looks. up at me, “want me to look into them? Get more information?” I nod my head before turning back to the newspaper covered window. I don’t know how long I stare at nothing but when I turn back around Rowan. is gone and so are the little baggies. My rage is still simmering so I roar and slam my fist through the dirty glass, it does nothing to soothe me so I run from the room, down the stairs and out into the garden.
“Cas?” I barely register Eva’s shocked voice as I feel Storm push forward and take over, my clothes split around my body as I land on four paws and take off running into the trees. “Storm, where are you going?” I feel Storm’s reluctance to leave our mate behind but I urge him to run faster and harder, I have the need to pound my fists into something or someone, at least running I can keep from harming
‘She’s following us.’ I shrug my shoulders at Storm, I can feel Ghost near us but Storm is faster than her and soon we are pushing ahead and her presence grows less and less.
‘Where are you taking us?’ I ask Storm after a while, we have long
His Rogue Omega: Chapter 65.
since left the border behind, yet he keeps going like the devil himself is chasing us down.
‘You need to let this anger out so I’m taking you somewhere you can do that without hurting the Pack.’ I grunt at Storm as he leaps over a small stream and keeps dashing around trees, ‘this guy has it coming anyway, seeing our mate naked and putting her in our clothes.’ I understand where Storm is taking me just a few minutes before Eric’s scent hits me. Storm doesn’t hunt or pretend to hide once we reach his cabin, instead he instantly jumps out onto the grassy area and starts to growl at the man standing on the wooden porch.
“Wondered when you would come growling by.” Eric sips from his bottle of beer as he leans over the porch railing, “you going to stay like that or we going to talk about this like men?” Storm growls louder as he starts slowly walking towards the man I want to destroy, “you need. to mate that Omega, it might calm down some of that temper of yours. If you insist we can do this but it won’t change anything, I’ll still have seen those pale pins she calls legs.” That has my anger boiling over and Storm leaps just as Eric drops his beer bottle and leaps over the railing, we run at each other until we collide, we become a blur of black and slate grey as we both start to bite and claw at every available surface.
“Cas, Storm, stop it!” I can barely hear Eva over the sound of Storm snarling as he tries to get to Eric’s neck, he’s a strong fighter though, equally matched we are more just shoving at each other than actually inflicting any wounds.
“Eva, don’t. If you try to get between them you will get hurt.” The sound of Rowan’s, voice and Eva’s screaming has Storm pushing Eric to the floor and moving backwards. Between Eva’s howling and my own anger it takes mé a solid two or three minutes to get Storm under control enough for me to pull him back, Eric shifts at the same time I do.
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His Roque Omega: Chapter 65.
1288 Vouchers
“Get her out of here!” I scream at Rowan without taking my eyes off Eric, he’s just as angry as I am now. I watch as his eyes shoot behind. me, he shakes his head before walking backwards, he doesn’t turn his back to me which is probably a smart idea. “I’m not done with you yet.”
“Oh we are done, the next time you come here you better be prepared to kill me because I will kill you.” I take a step towards Rowan as a tiny hand wraps around my big one, it feels almost cold compared to my flushed skin. “Do you and your Pack a favour and mate her before your anger gets the better of you, you’re looking a bit rabid Alpha.” I feel two more sets of hands on me as I start to move towards him, Rowan is in front of me blocking Eric from my view and his hands are on my chest. Heath is behind me with his hands wrapped around my neck, both are using all their strength to keep me in place.
“Cas please, stop. You don’t kill people, this isn’t who you are.” Eva’s voice is tiny and I can hear the worry in her words, I snap my head round to her, I can feel Storm pushing at me again.
“You have no idea who we are.” My voice comes out on a snarl as Storm bursts through and pushes everyone off me.
“Don’t just stand there, follow him. Make sure he doesn’t hurt anyone!” Eva’s panicked voice actually makes me feel proud for a second, she’s ordering my Beta and Head Warrior around like she was born to it.
I feel both of them follow Storm as he breaks back through the trees, he runs for hours before he starts to slow. The anger is giving way to a burning in my muscles, Storm can run for a long time but it seems we have both finally run out of energy.
“Are you done?” Storm looks over at Rowan who is standing a few feet from us, next to him is Heath’s sha ggy brown wolf, laying in the leaves I pull Storm back, it takes a while but soon I am panting on the forest floor.
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