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How Death Became My Rebirth (Cassandra Yates) novel Chapter 258

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 91.
280 Woutery
“Give it a try, no point in us going further if they aren’t in there.” I nod my head at Rowan as the warriors. Fraction and his guys all start to shift into their wolves, none of us will be going in as a human. Stepping away from the group I close my eyes and reach out for Eva’s Pack link, her link has been stable but I haven’t been able to speak with her or Heath. Fraction seems to think it’s because of the distance, some Alpha’s can communicate over great distances and some can’t, I felt less bad about myself when Fraction told me he also struggled across distances.
‘Eva? You there. Angel?’ I can feel her at the other end of the link but it’s distorted and also painful to touch, whatever is happening she’s in turmoil about it. I pull away from her and search out Heath instead.
‘Alpha?’ Heath sounds like he’s in pain but his connection is holding strong.
‘We’re here, tell me what I’m facing.’ I keep my tone firm, I’ll worry about his condition later, right now I need Heath the Head Warrior, I need him to focus and give me all of the information.
‘Multiple rogues and Jeremy, we are in the basement. You should get down here as soon as you can.’ Heath is speaking in a rush, while he’s chatting I turn around and give Rowan the thumbs up.
‘Eva, is she with you?’ My desperation to see her bleeds into my tone, I just need to hold her and make sure she’s alright.
His Rogue Omega: Chapter 91
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‘She’s kind of a mess right now, something happened, she shifted and now I think she’s in a state of shock and stuck.’ Heath’s words make me think that is why her connection was so distorted.
‘I’ll be down as soon as I can.’ Turning back to the group, I see them all standing as their wolves and waiting for my orders, it’s actually a pretty impressive sight to see. We might not have numbers but with twelve warriors, my Beta, Eric, Fraction, Rick and Eliza, we make quite an impressive group.
“Alright I connected with Heath, Eva’s connection was a little hazy so she might be injured.” I pull my shirt off over my head making my hair flop onto my face, it’s not normally this long and it’s doing my head in. “The general rule here is, if it smells like a rogue it dies. I don’t want these f uckers in our area not after this.” The wolves all growl their agreement, I even catch some of the warriors verbally agreeing over the link. “I’ll be trying to get to the basement where Eva and Heath are being held. That being said, if you get a clean path down to them then take it.” Normally I would just drop my jeans and shift into Storm but as soon as my hands go to my jeans Rick’s wolf starts to growl while Eliza drops to the floor and covers her eyes with her paw. Chuckling I turn around and call Storm forward, I’m on all fours before my jeans even land on the ground.
“Alright guys, let’s keep it tight.” Rowan calls out to everyone over the link as we all form a triangle formation with him at the front. With him not long ago being the Head Warrior he’s naturally taken the lead on tonight’s raid. Sneaking through the trees, we are so silent that no one will know we are coming until we are on them, it’s pitch black but thanks to our wolves eyesight we have no problem navigating the rocks. and fallen trees. The whole area stinks of a number of different rogues. I’ve picked up at least eight different scents judging by the swishing tails of the group. I’m not the only one picking up the scents.
Rogue Omega Chapter 91
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‘I can feel Ghost.’ I feel Storm tense up at Rowan signals for us all to stop and get low to the ground, ‘she’s in there, we need to get to her. Now.’ I tighten my hold on Storm as much as I can, our whole attack is only going to work if we have the surprise element and if a giant slate grey wolf goes charging in it will definitely give us away.
‘We will get to her.’ I tell him quickly. Storm starts to crawl forward while keeping his body low to the ground, looking around us I can see the other wolves following the same path in the same position. It’s impressive to me that Rowan can lead all of these wolves when some of them aren’t even Pack connected.
‘Two on patrol, Francis, Jim, go and take them dowri quietly.’ I watch as two wolves sneak off to the side, ‘when I say we charge for the bar, we are facing multiple windows and doors. Take what entrance you can and remember your orders.’ I see Rowan turn to Fractions wolf, the huge black wolf moves his jaw up and down telling me he knows what Rowan has planned.
‘How long?’ I hear Heath ask over the Pack link, Rowan’s wolf looks back at me so I know he’s heard him too.
‘We’re coming mate. Rowan responds just as Francis chimes in telling us that patrol one is down. The silence of the woods surrounds us as we lay in the dirt waiting for that second patrol to be taken down. I can feel Storm getting ready to move, his need to get to Eva is almost as strong as my own.
‘Patrol two down.’ Rowan’s wolf jumps up from the floor as Jim’s voice comes over the Pack link, with a howl into the night we all start
moving towards the bar.
Storm flies over the small incline and races down the otherside, I let him fully take over, as he leaps over Eliza’s wolf and charges into at window smashing it to pieces. Landing on the floor of what looks like
His Rogue Omega: Chapter 11
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a bedroom, there is the distinct scent of rogue all over the room. Storm starts to growl and lick his lips as he stalks towards the bed, there is a male rogue looking very startled laid in the bed.
‘Take him out.’ I order Storm but I feel him holding himself back. ‘What the hell? Storm, come on. We have to get to Eva.’ Storm shakes me off as he keeps his eyes on the rogue while walking over to his jeans that are on the floor. I realise what’s wrong with Storm as soon as he sticks his nose into the fabric, Eva’s scent is all over them, it’s really strong and the dark patches that have dried to the fabric tell me she’s bled close to this rogue.
“I swear to Goddess, I didn’t touch her.” The rogue sounds panicked as he tries to push himself further against the wall, thanks to being on the bed he doesn’t really have anywhere to go.
‘He was near our mate while she was bleeding.’ Storm growls at me as he lowers himself and starts to growl menacingly at the rogue. ‘He left her to bleed, probably hurting too. Now he has to hurt.’ I agree with Storm completely, this rogue needs to hurt, alot.
“I swear, I didn’t do it. It wasn’t me!” The rogue howls in pain as Storm lunges and sinks his teeth into his duvet covered leg, usually wolves go straight for the kill but not this time. Storm is going to play with him before he goes in for the kill. I can feel the rogue’s hands in Storm’ s hair as he tries to push us off, his howls of pain are music to my ears, Storm seems annoyed at his hands though. Letting go of his leg he spins around to slam his jaw onto the rogue’s hand, I taste his blood. flood into our mouth, Storm doesn’t mind the taste but it has met gagging.
‘Get this over with,’ I command Storm as he starts shaking his head back and forth with his jaw still latched onto the rogue’s hand. ‘We need to get to Eva.’ Storm growls loudly but I suddenly realise that’s all I’m hearing, Storm/seems to realise it at the same time as me. He steps
His Rogue Omega Chapter 1
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backwards showing me that the rogue is now pale and unmoving in the bed, the duvet is now dripping in blood.
‘D amn, must have hit an artery.’ Storm actually sounds annoyed as he nudges the rogue’s foot, satisfied he’s dead he walks over to the partly open door and paws it open.
‘Alpha, you need to get down here now.’ Rowan’s voice sounds. panicked over the Pack link, Storm feels it too and starts sniffing to pick up Rowan’s scent. I can hear screaming and growling from all around me but none is panicking or shouting over the Pack link so I’m confident they are alright and handling themselves.
‘Got it.’ Storm turns right, running down a small hall he comes to a stop in front of a door that looks like it’s been rammed down by a large wolf. Running down the stairs just beyond the door I see a massive guy slumped on the floor, his throat looks like it’s been ripped out. Storm sniffs him for a second before sneezing and turning into the door he was clearly guarding.
‘I know him, he’s from Dragon’s Flame. I’m sure I’ve seen him before.” I’m confused because I’m sure this is the same guy who let Eva into the private dance room but at the time he didn’t smell anything like a rogue, actually he didn’t smell of anything.
“Francis, stop. Don’t touch her!” I pull Storm back as soon as I enter the room, Rowan is standing butt naked next to my very dead mother. Ghost is cowering in the cover of the room, her white fur marked with my mothers blood, she’s cowering away from Francis’s wolf who is clearly trying to get to his Luna.
“Rowan?” I ask confused as I take another step forward, the sound of a deep sigh has me turning to the left to see a very beaten up Heath inside of a silver cage. Sniffing I realise what has Rowan and Heath on edge. “Get away from my mate.” I growl loudly as I walk over to
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Francis’s wolf I grab him by the scruff of his neck and fling him into the wall behind us. I don’t even look to see if he’s alright, crouching down I look Ghost deep in the eyes and smile. It takes her a second but I see the recognition in her eyes a moment before she dives into my arms, she’s a massive pile of white blo ody fur but I hold her tight against me anyway.
“She good?” Rowan asks, I look behind me to see he has his hands up in front of him and he’s taken a few steps back.
“She’s carrying my pup.” Rowan just nods his head as Ghost nuzzles her face deeper into my neck.


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