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How Death Became My Rebirth (Cassandra Yates) novel Chapter 56

Chapter 56 

Yulissa was petrified. She dared not speak, and her eyes were filled with panic

Gun! How could there be a gun!she exclaimed in her heart

Do you 

understand what I am saying?Yannick’s voice was cold

Fear struck Yulissa as she trembled all over

I can’t die. I don’t want to die!she thought

II’ll write, I’ll write” 

Yannick grabbed her by the back collar and walked her to her desk. Write it!

You’d better not shake your hands. If the handwriting is too messy and it can’t be read, the outcome will be the same.” 

Yulissa was so scared that she didn’t dare to move her hand. She forcefully suppressed 

her inner fear and calmed herself down

She swore to let Cassandra pay back the humiliation she received today

After about 40 minutes, Yulissa had written down everything

Yannick glanced at it

Tsk, truly inhuman,’ he thought

Give me your phone.” 

Naturally, he had to use her phone and her account to post it

Using another person’s might lead to a reversal

Only by dealing with the matter could Kenneth have the chance to contact Cassandra

Anyway, Yannick thought that a vicious woman like Yulissa deserved retribution for her multitude of wrongdoings. She was reaping what she sowed

Yulissa was genuinely afraid of the gun in Yannick’s hand. A single slip from the gun could cost her life

She could post it and later claim she was threatened by Cassandra

At that time, Cassandra’s reputation would be ruined

She prepared the text, and Yannick helped with the rest


Chapter 56 


Hugo, once Yulissa posts everything tomorrow, could you go to the school and arrange for me to study at home? I won’t go back to school until the SAT, Cassandra stated

In her previous life, she scored 1574 points on the SAT. It was no problem for her to enroll at Juset University. She could even get a full scholarship. But Yulissa only scored 853 points, making it challenging for her to even enroll in an undergraduate school 

Therefore, those in the Yates family forced her to give up her spot. Since no one knew about Cassandra’s existence, they could simply change Yulissa’s name. It wasn’t a big problem for them

Cassandra thought it was interesting for her to experience the SAT once again. Most importantly, the thought of being able to trample Yulissa under her foot made it even more intriguing

Ms. Yates, do you have another task?Hugo was curious about why Cassandra would stop going to school for a month

When Blossom died that time, she had asked Cassandra to study hard, attend university, and excel

This could be considered fulfilling Blossom’s wish

Cassandra would take it as an experience

Yes, but it’s not a task. I’ve been invited to be a judge at Camille International Music Competition.” 

If she remembered correctly, Yohannes was going to participate in the competition with a music score giftedto him by Yulissa

In the previous life, he had sailed through the competition and won the first prize by using that music score

Yohannes did so by taking someone else’s work and claiming it as his own creation

Cassandra thought, Yohannes, let’s see how you manage this time

Okay, I’ll go to school tomorrow to handle the matter.” 

When Yulissa woke up again, she was awakened by a series of knocks on the door from outside

Lisa, Lisa, are you in there?” 

Lisa, open the door. It’s me. Please open the door!Miranda said

Lisa, we believe in you. Open the door and let me in!Jasper followed suit


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Chapter 56 

Yulissa shook her head, trying to wake herself up

What happened? Why is it so noisy outside?she thought

She went to open the door and Miranda, Jasper, and Benjamin all came in

However, Benjamin’s expression didn’t look too good

Behind Benjamin was Leonardo, who hadn’t uttered a word from the beginning

Lisa, what’s going on about Twitter?Jasper couldn’t help asking

He couldn’t believe Yulissa would be like that

Twitter? What Twitter?Yulissa was puzzled

Don’t play dumb. It’s your phone, your account, and the things you wrote. Why are you still pretending? How did I end up raising such an incompetent ingrate like you?” 

When Benjamin saw the tweet, his blood pressure skyrocketed, nearly causing cérebral congestion

He was already hassled with company matters and kept waiting for Yulissa to apologize, but he never got a result

Now, the Yates family had become a complete laughingstock and the topic of gossip among those prestigious families


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