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How the Ice King Became my Doting Billionaire Husband novel Chapter 16

Behind him, Norbert's driver was quite a sight, lugging over a dozen bags of all sizes. No one knew what was inside.

The driver had been with Norbert for over a decade. At that moment, his mind was reeling in shock. So, the young lady he'd last dropped off wasn't a maid or a poor relative!

Who exactly was this young woman?

The driver recalled how Norbert had been rummaging through the storage room early this morning, almost ready to empty it if it weren't for the fact that two people couldn't carry it all. Remembering how he had dropped off the young lady at the villa entrance and left, he felt a bit anxious.

But Norbert wasn’t concerned about his driver’s anxiety. He was too busy and didn’t even have time to bother with Stuart, who stood there like a statue.

With great enthusiasm, he started showing the gifts to Morwenna.

“Wenna, this is some fine dietary supplements I brought you. Young people need to keep nourished.”

“These are ginseng capsules. Not sure if you'll ever need it, but I brought it just in case.”

“Here’s a bracelet I got from an auction. It looked just right for you, so wear it.”

“And this is...”

Morwenna looked bewildered at the items in front of her. “Norbert, I can’t possibly use all these things. I eat well, live in a big house, and Stuart is nice to me. I'm already pretty happy with my life.”

Standing on the side, Stuart listened with a shadow crossing his face.

Morwenna hadn’t complained. Instead, she said she was happy with her life.

Norbert affectionately patted Morwenna on the head, saying gently, “Child, I want things to be better for you.”

Hearing that, Morwenna paused. She dropped her gaze, her eyes turning slightly red.

People accustomed to hardship sometimes feel uneasy when treated kindly.

She feared she might let down Norbert’s kindness.

Norbert hoped she and Stuart would live well, yet she felt she hadn't accomplished that.

Morwenna spoke in a hoarse voice, “Thank you, Norbert.”

Seeing Morwenna almost in tears, Norbert knew she had a tough life growing up, and his heart ached more.

Having arranged her marriage to Stuart without love, Norbert always felt a debt of guilt.


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