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Hybrid Aria by Jessica Hall novel Chapter 14

Aria’s POV

The next morning, I awoke early to someone opening the curtains and letting the light into the room. Sitting up, I stared at the person who appeared to be a nurse. She was wearing blue scrubs and white sneakers, her blonde hair pulled tightly in a bun. Noticing my movement, she turned around to face me. Surprise was evident in her blue eyes.

“You are up.”

I just nodded my head in reply. Feeling confused, I tried to remember how I got in this room, but the only thing I can remember is telling Lily to run and then a wolf snapping its jaws, lunging at me before being plunged into darkness. The memory sent a shiver down my spine.

“Where am I?”

“You are on Blood Moon territory.” Petrified, I tried to get up, but the nurse ran over, pushing me down by my shoulder.

“Luna, you’re safe here.” Dismissing what she said as a mistake, I shook my head. Looking at her name tag that was pinned to the bottom of her shirt, I discovered her name was Wendy.

“There was a girl with me. What happened to her? She is 6 years old with blonde curly hair, dark blue eyes.” As I was describing Lily to the nurse, I could feel tears start to brim. My throat felt thick with worry. The nurse, noticing my distressed state, came and sat on the bed next to me.

“Luna, calm down. Lily is fine. She is in the rec room playing with the other Pack members.” My shoulders sag, feeling relieved that she is ok and safe. But that still didn’t answer how we got here.

“How did we get here? How long have we been here?” Confused, I just keep shooting questions at her, but she does not seem to mind.

“Alpha Reid found you and Lily and brought you back here. You’re currently in the Pack house infirmary, and you have also been asleep for two days since your mate marked you.”


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