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Hybrid Aria by Jessica Hall novel Chapter 22

Aria’s POV

Getting up off the ground, I shoved past him. I didn’t get far before his hand reached out to grab my shoulder. Spinning around, I grabbed him and pushed him. He flew backwards and landed on his back on the bed. Climbing on top of him, my legs straddling either side of his hips, anger and fear began taking over.

“Is this what you want? To see me break, to lose control? So, you can prove I’m the monster you think I am, to give you a reason to kill me?” I screamed. Lifting his shoulders, I slammed him back onto the bed.

He had a look on his face I was having trouble deciphering. He didn’t look happy, just concerned, sad. Reaching his hand up, he placed it on my cheek, his thumb tracing the veins that were exposed under my eyes. His touch sent shivers down my spine. My body wanted to lean into his touch, but I refused, pulling back. I watched him; his hand dropped to my hip, squeezing it lightly.

“I don’t want to break you. Just let go and give me control, Aria. I... It’s hard, but I can’t reject you. You’re not like them, I know this now.” His voice was soft.

“Not like all the Hybrid’s you killed. What did they do that has you hating us so much that you would be sick enough to exterminate us completely? You want control? You’re an idiot if you think I will give you control. People only want control because it’s power over the other person, something to use against them,” I spoke through gritted teeth.

“I wouldn’t do that; the mate bond wouldn’t let me. Why can’t you see that? I was wrong, what I did was wrong. I know that now.”

Pfft, I refuse to bow down to anyone anymore. I’m sick of being a pawn in everyone else’s game, sick of hiding, sick of fighting what I am. As I was about to climb off him, he sat up, holding me in place. I went to shove him back with my hands, but he gripped both my wrists, holding them firmly to my sides. He lent in and placed a kiss on my jaw.

My eyes widened before they closed, a moan escaping my lips. His head dipped lower, kissing my neck. Reaching up, he grabbed my hair, wrapping his fingers in it softly pulling, giving him better access to my neck. I could feel his erection pressing against his jeans. I inhaled his scent, arousal flooding me mixed with hunger. Pulling back, he looked up at me. I hadn’t realised I was growling at him. Not in anger but hunger and desire, both fighting against each other not sure which was going to win.

Reid pulled my face down so we were looking at each other, his eyes holding mine. Desire coursed through me as he leaned in, kissing my lips softly. His lips moving against mine filled with desire. I answered his kiss. Kissing back fiercely, both of us fought for dominance. My hands moved to his chest, and I ran them along his shoulders. His arms wrapped securely around my waist, pulling me closer. Kissing him behind the ear, I heard him moan against my shoulder.

Moving closer to his neck, hunger took over, devouring my senses. My fangs pressed against his flesh. I tried to pull back, to run, to stop from hurting him. His grip only tightened, one of his hands reached into my hair, holding my face to his neck.

“Shhh…. it’s okay Ari, let go. I won’t let you kill me,” he whispered, pressing his lips on my cheekbone. Hearing him use my nickname and the tenderness in his voice, I let go. My walls came crumbling down, no longer scared, no longer hiding what I am. Trust, something I never thought I was capable of, trusting someone completely and of all people, I truly did, at this moment, trust him. Sinking my fangs into his neck, his blood rushed into my mouth. I gulped it down greedily, yet he didn’t scream like I thought he would. Instead he moaned, pressing me tighter against his chest.

I could feel his emotions flooding into me: love, acceptance, desire. His intoxicating scent was nothing compared to how he tasted. I could taste every emotion he felt, making me want more. I was sure I could get drunk on his taste. Pulling back before he had a chance to, I ran my tongue along my bite. I watched as it sealed but remained the same as the mark he gave me, marking him. I didn’t realise I had tears running down my cheeks until he wiped them away before kissing me.

Rolling me on to my back, he kissed me harder, his legs pushing between my thighs. I could feel the bulge in his pants pushing against my core, moaning loudly at the friction. His hands running beneath my shirt until they reached my breasts, my nipples hardening under his touch. Pulling my shirt off, he sat up, looking down at me. There was so much in the way he was looking at me. I could feel how much he wanted to touch me. How much he loved me, how much he wanted me. He didn’t hate me. Just how had I been so blind to see it. His love for me outweighed the anger he had for my kind.


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