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Hybrid Aria by Jessica Hall novel Chapter 29

Aria’s POV

Watching David, I noticed he didn’t look shocked to see me. I then realised this was his plan all along. I realised I was his bargaining tool, his way to get Reid to comply. I was Reid’s weakness. If something happens to me, it weakens him, and he can get Lily back.

Too busy watching David trying to think of a way to convince him to sort this out amicably, I didn’t hear the person sneaking up behind me until I felt the sting of the needle as it pierced my neck. The burning sensation bled into my skin, burning my insides like fire consuming my body. I gripped my neck, trying to get the pain to lessen, trying to stop it from spreading. Turning around, I see no one behind me but my former Pack members and a syringe at my feet containing gold liquid concentrated wolfsbane.

I felt my surroundings start to spin as fire consumed my veins, overtaking all my senses. I could feel myself burning up. I screamed in agony, trying to stop the burn. My legs collapsed under me. My body felt heavy, I was losing to the pain. For the first time in my life, I welcomed the darkness, praying I would pass out so the pain would end.

I could feel my body falling, my head hitting the soil, but I didn’t even feel it. All I could feel was wolfsbane burning through every cell in my body. I smiled when I felt everything getting darker, my surroundings starting to dim. Michael's words came back to me. “This stuff will even put you on your arse.” He was right. If I weren’t in so much pain, I would have laughed at the fact it did exactly what he said it would…. I thanked the Moon Goddess as I finally slipped away into the darkness of oblivion.

Reid’s POV

Torn between going to fight beside my Pack and staying and protecting Aria and Lily, I reluctantly left. I had a Pack to protect. We raced through the winding back roads towards the city. The trees blurring into one at the speed we were moving. Alpha David crossed the line, and now there is no going back, I will finally rid the earth of that scum who dared torture my woman. Aria can’t hate me for protecting my Pack… our Pack. I was doing this for her, for Lily, and for us. Driving towards the border, the city came into view. We were only a few kilometres out. The only thing surrounding us were trees and farmland. Just as we hit the outskirts of the city, I felt a cold wave of a feeling I couldn’t recognise rush over my skin. Ryder instantly tensed and tried to lurch forward.

“What is it?” I ask him. He pushed underneath my skin forcefully. Hair spreading across my arms, my claws extending tearing the leather seat.

“Aria is getting away from us,” I heard him snarl at me in reply. No, Aria was at home where I ordered her to stay. She wouldn’t defy me; she wouldn’t betray my trust like this. I locked her in, the door was sealed, and wolf proof. The glass on the windows is even impenetrable. Mind-linking Wendy, I felt her push back, trying to ignore the link. Furious that she tried to ignore my call, I shoved back forcing her to accept the link. I could hear her groan as I pushed through the tether. Mitch, who was in the front seat driving, whimpered at me, feeling his mate's pain come through the bond. Wendy let go and stopped trying to shove me out, knowing it’s a battle she can’t win.

“Where is Aria?” I demand. Wendy didn’t answer. Mitch tried to get her to answer by asking the same question I just did. I could see his grip tightening on the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white. Wendy whimpered from the pressure of her mate.

“I ca…can’t,” she stuttered almost breathlessly. Aria has done this; she is the only one who is strong enough to bind someone against me. Her tricks don’t work on me, but the rest of the Pack is defenceless against her commands. But I also know she wouldn’t force that burden, that pain to go against an Alpha on Lily. Linking Lily, I could finally get answers.

“Lily, where is your sister?” Lily didn’t resist, meaning Aria hadn’t commanded her to keep quiet.


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