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Hybrid Aria by Jessica Hall novel Chapter 38

Aria’s POV

“I know you’re hiding something, what is going on Aria?” Reid asked.

Choosing to ignore him, I walked into the house. I have my suspicions on who might be behind this, but until I have proof or confront him about it, I can’t very well go causing a war on a feeling. I would hate for Reid to go kill him, then later find out he wasn’t behind it. Reid followed me into the house. Walking into the kitchen, Wendy and Christine were making the kids afternoon tea. Reid not wanting to cause a scene in front of the kids, let me be. I knew this wouldn’t be the end of this discussion. I quickly made coffee for everyone before sitting at the dining table. Lily excitedly showed me her paintings they had done in class today. I watched but had trouble showing the enthusiasm she had about them.

I couldn’t stop thinking about what an impact this will have on Lily if it is Alpha David who leaked information. I know Reid/Ryder would go berserk if they knew what I was thinking, but it was slowly eating away at me. I could feel it in every atom of my body that I was right. But now what, killing him doesn’t change the fact that they have come out of hiding after years of keeping a low profile. When Lily got up to go play in the rec room, I followed her out, leaving her to play with Amber. I walked upstairs. I could feel Reid’s lingering gaze on my back, I needed answers, and I know what he is going to say already, but I have no choice. I need to know, and I need to try and fix it.

Walking into the closet, I grabbed a jacket. Reid is going to pitch a fit when he finds out I plan on leaving to go to the Black Moon Pack, but the way I see it, he either comes with me and waits outside, which I know he won’t do, or shuts his mouth and lets me go alone. I kind of need him to let me go alone, though. David will not admit anything if Reid is there. Just as I finished zipping the jacket up, in walked Reid. As soon as he saw me dressed and ready to leave, he crossed his arms over his chest and blocked my exit.

“Where do you think you are going?”

“I need to go see David,” I tried to step past him, but his grip on my upper arm stopped me. Pulling me, so I was facing him directly. I huffed annoyed.

“You just saw David, why would you need to see him? Just ring him,”

“I know, but I need to speak to him privately,” I said, crossing my own arms across my chest to match his annoyed and angry stance.

“Nice try, you’re not going anywhere, Ari,” I rolled my eyes annoyed at his childish behaviour. He needs to realise I am not some pathetic little girl. I am quite capable of taking care of myself.

“I will take Zane if it makes you feel any better.”

“So, you will take my Beta, but I can’t come?” I could feel his jealousy leaking into me through the bond. I raised an eyebrow.

“Really, you’re jealous of your own Beta? Come on, Reid. I won’t be gone for long just a few hours at most.”

“Few hours? What the fuck could you possibly need to be gone that long for? I said no, and that’s final.”

Knowing he wasn’t going to change his mind, I waited for him to turn his back and leapt at him. He didn’t see it coming. I latched my arms around his shoulders, he tried to throw me off, but I was stronger but not by much. Now he is going to find out what it’s like to be put to sleep.

I struggled to get a good angle, as he kept trying to throw me off, falling backwards on the bed, he was suddenly on top of me, his back to my chest. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I tried to hold him in place. I could hear Zane running up the steps leading toward our room, I needed to be quick before Zane stopped me. Reid hearing Zane’s footsteps on the stairs as well turned to look at the door, he turned just enough that I got a good view of his neck and I took my opportunity.

My fangs extended and I sank them straight into his neck, I drank greedily, my hunger kicking in at the first taste of his sweet blood flooding my mouth, he moaned involuntarily when my teeth bit down into his flesh. I could feel his blood running down my chin and neck as he struggled to throw me off. His movements became jerky, and I could hear his heart rate slow, feeling him go slack, I unlatched my fangs from his neck just as Zane threw the door open. Shoving him off me, I got up and wiped my mouth and neck on a towel, cleaning the blood off.

“What the fuck have you done?”

“Nothing, now calm down, he is still alive. His wolf genes will kick in after a while, he should be fine.”


“I promise he is fine; I can still hear his heart beating.” Zane listened, picking up Reid’s faint heartbeat before nodding his head.


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