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I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World novel Chapter 32

Chapter 32 Descendant of an Old Friend

County office. The department.

Manager Sun and Zhou Yi were talking about buying and selling prisoners in front of the scholars. Clearly, this was an open secret in Barren City.

They depended on whatever there was to eat.

The government office in Barren City relied on selling criminals for a living.

1,200 taels of silver would be used to fake the death of the exiled prisoners at the mine. They would change their surnames and enter Barren City. After a few years, they would be able to use some connections to move to another state capital and completely become a good citizen.

“Mr. Zhou, don’t think it’s expensive. This silver didn’t fall on us.” Manager Sun pointed upward. “Master has been a scholar for twelve years. Do you understand?”

“So you’re Prime Minister Zhang’s student!” Zhou Yi looked respectful and said in a low voice, “That year’s Palace Examination was not too peaceful. Everyone was looking at the rankings. Prime Minister Zhang took the opportunity to…” As he spoke, he made a grabbing gesture. His gaze swept across the people in the county government office and said, “Do you know why?”

Manager Sun cupped his hands and said, “Please enlighten me, sir!”

The scholars in the household pricked up their ears and noted down the secrets of the country. When they returned to drink with their colleagues, it would be the top topic of discussion. It was as enjoyable as discussing international politics at a barbecue stall.

“That year, the Duke won a great victory in the northern border and took the opportunity to attack Great Yong. His reputation was flourishing!”

Zhou Yi said slowly, “At that time, the Minister of War was a general in the army. He had once worked with the Duke to destroy the traitors in Jiangnan. The two of them, one inside and one outside, were invincible in the imperial court.”

“Prime Minister Zhang took this opportunity to take it down, break the customs of the country, and become the Minister of War as a civil official…”


Manager Sun no longer suspected that Mr. Zhou must be from the Divine Capital. He said respectfully, “Sir, please take a seat. I’ll go and urge those lazy fellows to do their work!”

“Please, Manager.”

Zhou Yi’s actions were polite. He was elegant and imposing, but not superior to others. He made people feel like they were bathing in a spring breeze.

Within moments, he was chatting happily with the officials.

He casually mentioned some secrets of the Divine Capital, such as a certain high official who returned to his hometown and actually went to Spring Breeze GTower without settling the bill. He owed tens of thousands of taels of silver, but in the end, the lady told the Censor through pillow talk. After more than ten complaints, a certain official lost all his reputation and could only retire.

Such rumors could not be taken seriously. How could ordinary people know the real reason for his retirement? However, people preferred to hear such gossip.

Manager Sun said in surprise, “What kind of place is Spring Breeze Tower? It can actually persuade the Censor to submit a memorial?”

“When ordinary people go to the Divine Capital, they only know that the Musical House Division is a good place, but it’s actually not. Only minor officials go to the Musical House Division. The real money squandering den in the Divine Capital is the Spring Breeze Tower…”

As soon as Zhou Yi said this, everyone perked up.

Initially, he was just chatting with the scholars in the office. In the end, Zhou Yi pointed out three to five courtesans and the other students from the other offices came over.

There were three realms in the Divine Capital, and Zhou Yi was the most familiar with them. Home, Sky Prison, Spring Breeze Tower.

Zhou Yi, who had visited the Spring Breeze Tower for twenty years, had a deep relationship with the 20-odd Flower Queens selected during this period. His comments were clear and logical. Among a group of men, sex was the best way to get closer. It has been like this since ancient times!

Zhou Yi sighed and said, “The Flower Queen Su Xiaoxiao who was chosen two years ago could be considered the best in the past ten years. Unfortunately, Duke Wei took a fancy to her before she could be groomed. He spent money to buy her into the Duke’s Mansion and let her become his concubine.”

“Even a prostitute can enter the Duke’s Mansion?”

“Duke Wei is a big shot!”

“He’s really lucky!”


Everyone discussed among themselves. The Flower Queens in front did not have a good ending. Those who retired quickly married merchants and became concubines. Most of them became ordinary prostitutes after they aged.

Chapter 32 1

Chapter 32 2


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