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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 101

23. An Attack ZAIA. or I Am The Luna Chapter 101 By Moonlight Muse

I look down at my gun on the bed and trying to keep my heart steady, I grab the gun and spin around, swinging it at the person creeping up on me.

It’s a man. He’s tall and clearly well- built, wearing black sweatpants and a hoodie. It’s all I see as a low snarl escapes him and he shoves me back with immense force.

Blindly, I pull the trigger on the gun. The sound is loud as the bullet hits the ceiling. The man is on top of me fast, his knee to my stomach as he throws me onto the bed, grabbing my hair as he hits me across the face.

I kick out blindly, trying to get up, only for the man to throw a punch at me. I can taste blood in my mouth as I struggle to free myself and roll off the bed, hitting the carpeted floor.

This man is strong.

Everything is happening so fast and the way he’s moving, I can tell he is not new to this. He’s wearing a baseball cap that covers his eyes and although I’m trying to get a look at him, I’m unable to.

He grabs hold of my ankle when I try to kick him and yanks my legs out from under me, but this time I’m ready and I don’t plan to go down that easily this time.

I’m unable to pull the trigger on the gun that I’m still holding, but twisting, I slam the end of it into his crotch with all the strength I can muster, a low growl ripping from my throat.

He grunts and lets go of me, yanking the gun from my hold and swinging it at me despite clutching his crotch. I jump to my feet, breathing hard.

“You hurt her… didn’t you?” I ask, my voice shaking. He doesn’t reply, and he’s recovered fast, rushing at me once again, but this time I’m ready. My eyes blaze as my aura surges around me.

“Enough!” I scream as he makes impact with me and I push back with all force, throwing him to the ground. His aura fills the room, and he growls menacingly. I can hear shouting and the sound of footsteps.

He turns, glancing at the door before he looks back at me and I’m looking into a pair of grey eyes, but one of them doesn’t have a pupil… just a full grey…

What is that? He smiles slightly, and my heart skips a beat as a strong sense of familiarity rushes through me.

“Hello there.” He whispers. His voice is deep yet soft, rhythmic even, and my stomach drops.

I know who it is…

He looks a lot like Dad. His eyes are the colour of Mom’s, but there’s a coldness to them, almost as if they are soulless.

“Zade,” I say quietly.

Our eyes meet and I see the glimmer of surprise in them.

“You know who I am.”

“Of course, I do. You look just like Dad.” I say. “And you have her eyes… how could you kill her?”

“I didn’t kill her, you did,” he says with such confidence it makes my heart drop.

“No, I didn’t.”

“Didn’t you? She was alive when I left her several minutes earlier.” He whispers challengingly. “You’re sick,” I say, trying to control my emotions.

Mom might still wake up…

“I really don’t know what is so special about you… but you picked the wrong side!” He snarls, before he swings his fist at me. I duck, kicking out at his feet from beneath him, he staggers, falling to one knee, but he’s up fast.

“What’s going on?!” The shout from a guard comes.

I see him glance towards the window.


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