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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 214

Chapter 0214 


I run the brush through my hair, staring distractedly at my reflection

Gerard is Sebastian’s fatherI would never have made the link, even with the screaming similarity that Sebastian does look like a King

How and why

Why would they have chosen Gerard

Is it because he’s an Alpha

Or because he is Aran’s cousin? Or both

It’s the following day and although Sebastian said nothing more last night, I know it’s on both our minds. I do want to talk to him about it, and reassure him it means nothing

Last night replays in my mind and his final words echo in my mind

Gerard, is your father?I asked

Let’s not discuss it. Come, you need to sleep.” 

I had tried to question it but he had cut me off saying he didn’t want to discuss it, and so I had thanked him for not keeping things from me and we had fallen asleep

I felt there had been something more he had wanted to say, but I’m not so sure

I gasp as his strong arms wrap around me tightly, his gaze dipping to my breasts

I like this top.He growls huskily, kissing my neck. I smirk at him in the mirror before I stare at my reflection

I’m wearing a chiffon top that cinches at my waist, but it’s showing off a lot of cleavage. It is slightly off my shoulders and I have paired it with ivory pants

Of course you do. You like boobs.I reply amused

He looks gorgeous himself. I will never understand how he can look so good, no matter what Reaching up, I run my finger down his jaw, the short hair of his beard prickling my fingertips and I can feel his angular jaw

I do like boobsbut I don’t simply like thesehe lets go of my waist before he grabs my breasts, squeezing them. I bite back a soft moan as pleasure rushes 

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through me. I fucking love these.He growls huskily

BastianI moan as my pussy clenches

Goddess, this man… 

He sucks gently on my neck, and I can’t help but melt into his touch. I can never resist him… 


My eyes fly open as I hear the door handle turn and Sebastian lets go of me, pinching my nipples before he steps away as the door flies open

He is still close, but not pressed up against me

Mommy! Why you take so long today?Zion frowns unhappily, frowning at Sebastian as he stands there, hands on hips. Is Daddy wasting your time?” 

I chuckle as I turn away, smoothing my hair over my neck

Daddy isn’t,I reassure, crouching down and pecking his cheek, although he is still observing Sebastian suspiciously

“Well, I don’t believe that. Mommy was always on time when Daddy wasn’t here.” 

Well, get used to it champ, I’m going to be around more often than not,he says, prodding his forehead with a faint smile on his face

Zion huffs. Well, ok, but don’t take all of Mommy’s time. Come on, Mommy!” 

Sebastian raises his eyebrows sceptically, and I know an answer is on the tip of his tongue

Will you really argue with a child?I tease, as I follow Zion out

Sebastian yanks me close, pecking my lips before releasing me

I have already bathed them this morning and gave Sia her medication, but it is obvious Zion wants some attention

Well, I will spend some time with them after breakfast

Entering the kitchen, we see Jai cooking and Sia and Valerie setting the table

Finally!Jai says, I mean, wasn’t last night enough?” 

What does that even mean?I ask innocently as I cast a swift glance around to see what needs doing and, noticing there are no drinks, I walk over to the refrigerator to take some drinks out

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The walls are not that soundproof. Man, I felt lonely.Jai snickers, making me 


Work harder. You might just get someone.Sebastian says, clearly not phased

Maybe i’ll get lucky one day, or maybe never.Jai says, Some people aren’t easy to seduce.I don’t miss his gaze flickering to Valerie

What does seduce mean?Zion asks

Aren’t you always a little too curious?Sebastian says

I am a big boy,Zion replies


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