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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 216

Chapter 0216 


What’s wrong?I ask, concerned. The meeting has ended, and we had just gotten home. I immediately called Dad in the car but he had not picked up, making me extremely worried

Sebastian had told me to remain calm, and I was relieved when he had rang back a few moments ago

Calm down, Zaia, everything is handled, but you should come down as soon as you can,Dad says calmly

Why did he sounddifferent

What happened?I asked. You said it’s urgent and now you’re saying to calm down?” 

We’ll discuss it when you pop down, say tomorrow? Alright?” 

Pop down

That doesn’t sound like Dad, his voice sounds almost indifferent

Are you sure tomorrow is ok? I can come down tonight?I suggest, running my fingers through my hair as I take out some black pants and a fitted black top from my suitcase

Yes. You should come tomorrow, take care.” 

He ends the call and I frown down at it

That wasstrange

He didn’t even ask about the children, thatisn’t like Dad

Is everything ok

TomorrowI’ll talk to the boys and Val, and see what they make of it

Putting my thoughts aside, I change swiftly and pull on some boots, ready to meet Olivan and his people

Leaving our room, I head downstairs, the sound of talking reaching my ears

Three voices

Bastien, Jai andis that Atticus

+25 BONOS 

Atticus, what are you doing here?I ask with a smile as I make my way down the stairs, surprised to see him there. He’s standing with Jai and Sebastian, and they fall silent, turning to me

I’m coming with you,Atticus says with a small smirk. Sebastian himself called me.” 

I look at Sebastian, surprised

Oh? How come?I ask, confused, as I walk over to them, and Atticus gives me a hug that makes Sebastian frown

You don’t seem so happy to see me,Atticus replies with a small smile

It’s not that. I’m just curious as to why.I reply as I look up at Sebastian questioningly

Atticus will go with you to the Rogues. I wanted to make sure you have enough backup.He says to me, his face serious

I’m sure you 

are enough,I say with a smile

His eyes meet mine before he looks away indifferently

I’ll be staying with the children.” 

My smile vanishes, and I glance at Jai, who looks a little concerned, but he’s masking it well. I glance back at Sebastian

He isn’t going with me… 

My stomach twists and I don’t know why that hurts. It’s not like he told me he’d come with me, butI was expecting it

Oh, Iok, that’s great,I say, forcing a graceful smile onto my face

Why am I acting so emotional? I went alone last time


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