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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 220

Chapter 0220 

Atticus has now shifted and he’s attacking the wolves whilst Jai is still in human form, gun in hand

I know he can shift, but it’s obvious he has more confidence in his human form

Whatever works for him

Where are you

I sniff the air, picking up the smell of his blood

You’re mine

I follow the smell, breaking into a run when I catch sight of Olivan’s wolf and rage flares through me once more. Like a dimming fire that has just had oil poured upon it, rejuvenating it once more

We need to fall back!Jai growls as he begins firing at the wolves, a few drop to the ground, but there are too many

No, first I need to find him

I continue running, my feet barely touching the ground

I close in on him fast, and several wolves launch themselves at me, but I barrel through them, my aura like a shield around me, throwing them back

I have never been so angry… 

He’s close, the thundering beating of his heart and my own become incessantly louder

He’s mine

My claws sink into Olivan’s back, and I rip through his flank. Satisfaction floods me and I rip through him again

He lets out a howl as he stumbles, but I don’t feel any remorse

What am I doing

rage as I tear into him. Blood sprays 

I’m unable to control my over me and the smell fills my nose. It isn’t enough and I’m ready to end him

How dare he try to betray me

His injuries force him to shift back to human form and he’s now at my mercy! Other wolves are closing in on us, and I only have a few seconds to think

I’m thrown to the ground, but I’m not down for long

him as he tries to pitifully clamber away. I can se Within seconds, I’m before 

just a few metres away from me

If I end himI will become the alpha of these people.. 

But do I attack a man who is down

A man who betrayed me

Atticus slashing into wolves

The choice isn’t hard, but I only have seconds. A few seconds to either run or to kill

I look down at the man on the ground whose eyes burn with victory, and I make up my mind

My heart thumps violently as I raise my claws

Nodon’t!Olivan shouts

It’s too late for that

Zaia!Jai’s panicked voice comes just as I tear into Olivan’s chest and rip out his heart

I feel the shift of power as his life ends and I let out a thunderous roar, my glowing aura swirls around me and I shift back to human form

I feel the power within me strengthen immensely and the connection between the rogues and me forming

Atticus reaches me, his wolf standing before me protectively as several wolves close down on us

I am your Alpha! Submit or I will kill you!I snarl the shocking words in a voice that I can barely recognise as I hold up Olivan’s heart

Right now, I feel more like a beast than a human. This was a necessity to show them that I am the Alpha

My heart is still thumping as the wolves come to a skidding halt, their gaze turning to Olivan’s dead body on the ground. The realisation of what has happened sinks in

I stand there, my hair falling over my face, blood covering my face and running down my body

The entire forest seems to still and I’m sure they felt the shift in power

They look at one another, uncertain for a few moments before they bow their 

heads in submission to me, shifting to human form


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