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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 23


“I understand,” I say quietly.

It’s not something I want, but I have to respect that this is what he wants.

“Are you sure?” there’s guilt in his eyes as he stands opposite me. We are on the back patio of the packhouse.

The weather is warm, but a soothing breeze rustles the grass, yet it does nothing to soothe the storm in my mind.

“I am. I need someone to keep her safe, Jai, and who better than yourself? Something tells me she has some answers that may help us. We need her to wake up.” I say quietly.

It’s going to be a great loss to have him gone, but… it’s the right thing.

“Thank you, Seb… I promise I’ll do what I can from over there. I’ll gather what information I can too…”

I nod. It’s been three days since the crash and although I made it back before I ended up dropping unconscious, I’m healing well.

I also have learned that Zaia has moved to her father’s pack.

One of my men was able to dig that up, and it only strengthens my opinion that it may not have been Zaia on the other side of that call that day.

Although I need to stay away, it gives me a glimmer of hope.

It means she’s not with him.


“Sorry, I got distracted… go, Jai, she needs you more than I do.”

“And who will you assign as your Beta?” Jai asks.

I shove my hands into my pocket as I glance out at the sky. “I have a few options, but I think I’ll be going with Justin Seagrave.”

Jai tilts his head and nods thoughtfully. “Didn’t the Seagraves initially belong to the Crystal Shadow Pack?”

I nod, “Actually, yes. They moved to this pack over twenty years ago, but still have ties with that pack.”

“And that’s where she is…” he murmurs.

I don’t respond, and he grins. “Well, glad you got things sorted, I think you’ll be fine Seb, and once Val is awake, we’ll be back because I know she will want to come home.”

I nod as our eyes meet and although deep down a part of me wonders if she’ll ever wake up, I will not shatter his hopes, for his and Zaia’s sake I wish she wakes up.

“Then I’ll await the day,” I respond quietly.

He nods before giving me a hug and slaps my back, sending a pang of pain rushing through my shoulder.

“I’m going to miss your arrogant dumb ass,” he says, making me chuckle.

“Same,” I grunt massaging my shoulder.

“Sorry man, I forgot,” he grins and I can’t help but smirk back.


It is a while later when there’s a knock on the office door and I look up.

“Enter,” I call.

The door opens and Justin steps inside. “Alpha Sebastian, you called for me?”

“Yes, I did, Justin, sit down.”

Justin is a few years younger than me. He’s from a middle-class family and is of warrior rank. However, he is extremely intelligent and has a knack for strategy and battle.

“I hope I have not upset you, Alpha.”

“Not at all, actually due to certain factors, Beta Jai O’Dell will be stepping down from his position as Beta of this pack and I want you to take his place.”

He looks up at me, surprised, “Alpha… me? Are you certain? I mean, I don’t come from a ranked family… nor do I have an influential family…” he trails off, bowing his head.

“I don’t need power or money Justin, I need a Beta with a good head on his shoulders. You will be my Beta.” I say with finality.

He gives a slow, hesitant nod. “Of course, it would be my greatest honour. That’s a position I never dreamed of… but… there are so many people who hold far more power and wealth…. I understand you don’t need it nor want it.”

I nod. “Exactly, the initiation will take place next Monday. You are going to be my Beta and are the next best for the position,” I say, dismissing him.

He bows his head as he stands up. “Thank you, Alpha. I will not disappoint.”

Once the door shuts after him, I stand up and walk to the window. He may think he’s got nothing… but he has ties with the Crystal Shadow Pack that will come in use… I may not be able to approach her, but I will have a way to keep an eye on her.

Zaia… I promise I’ll find him.





“I don’t feel too well.” I sigh as I enter our new home.

We moved to The Crystal Shadow Pack two days after I had talked to Dad, telling Atticus that I needed to leave. To my surprise, he didn’t argue and although he wanted me to stay; he understood and respected my decision and hoped we could stay friends.

I accepted. It was the least I could do, considering everything I had lied to him about. He had been nothing but helpful and said he’ll keep it quiet where I had gone.

I am truly grateful for his help and despite certain actions of his not being to my liking; I understand he was still trying to help me.

Valerie never got back to me, and the only thing I got from her was one email a week later, saying Sebastian found out and she can’t stay in touch with me and she’s sorry.


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