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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 241

Chapter 0241 

I’ve already reset the security and call it extreme, but I am the only one who can now access the prison and security. Without my permission, no one leaves

A move that I know will only put me at further risk, but I can’t trust anyone anymore 

I can still trust my friends… 

But can I

I hate that I’m beginning to doubt everyone, but I can’t help it

I go over to my awaiting car and open the driver’s seat

Please get out,I say

Ma’am, is everything ok?” 

Yes,I say. I’m taking the car, and you will not tell anyone.” 

Once again, the alpha command rolls off my tongue with ease

Yes, Alpha.He bows his head and I get in, placing my bag down on the passenger 

seat and starting the car. I zoom off

I need to get to Mom’s old house, but I need to make sure no one follows. If Zade was 

in the house that day, there was a high chance he heard what Mom saidmaybe

maybe not…. 

I drive away from pack grounds and when I reach one of the narrow roads I park my 

car, and quickly pull on a black coat and a blond wig. I step out of the car, continuing 

the rest of the way on foot

I’m carrying a large tote bag which holds a gun and a few other supplies

Under the stairs… 

I reach Mom’s home, remembering after the rejection how I came here, and she 

supported me.. 

+15 BONUS 

I messed up

With a heavy heart, I look at the windows. The net curtains still hang in the windows 

and a part of me feels that perhaps I could walk up to that door and knock… 

And maybe, maybe she’ll open it and hug me, telling me it’ll be ok… 

I was angry at you Mombut I didn’t want you to leave… 

Brushing away a tear, I remain in the shadows. The neighbours around here have 

always been nosy…. 

I make my way around the back of the house, keeping hidden as I inch closer to the 


Once I cross the patio, I know the neighbours can’t see me and I quickly get to work 

on the back door. I manage to break the lock quickly and slip inside, shutting the 

door quietly behind me

The sound echoes in the silence despite how quietly I shut it and I look around the 

dark kitchen. The dust particles that were disturbed by my entry waft through the 

air and I glance around the kitchen

It looks the same, just Mom’s homely touch is missing

She’s gone

She’ll never make me another mealnever give me another hugdespite her flaws, she was a good motherI just wish I realised that sooner

How many people live with grudges and only when that person is gone do we 

realise it’s too late… 

Too late to say I love you one final timetoo late to hold them for another moment… 

The pain of losing her hits me like a freight train and I drop into one of her chairs, resting my elbows on the table. I take a moment to reminisce on the time we’ve 

spent together

It’s peaceful…. 

After several minutes, I stand up with a heavy heart, shouldering my bag and leave 

+15 BONUS 

the kitchen, walking over to the closet under the stairs

Pulling back the lock, I pull open the door. It creaks loudly, and I glance around the hall before I step into the closet

Taking my gun out, I cock the trigger, placing it down gently beside me

No, I don’t think anyone is here, but you can never be too careful… 

There are a few boxes and an old raincoat in here. I move the stuff aside. From the 

layer of dust that covers them, it’s clear they haven’t been touched. I then pull up the lino flooring and feel around for the floorboards, hoping one might be looser

She did say at the backnone seem to be loose, and I reach into my bag, taking out 

one of the screwdrivers I had brought with me and begin prying it loose


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