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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 248

Chapter 0248 

I meanwould it be fair to the woman I settle for when I am in love with someone 

else?his voice is quiet, but his words are clear

I look across at him. I’m not worth it,I say quietly as I sit up

I told you I’ll wait. Even if there’s no endI’ll still wait.He sits up, but I refuse to 

look at him. Zaia” 

I’m just saying let it go, I’m never going to return those feelingsdon’t waste your life over me. It’s foolish.I say, about to stand up when he takes hold of my wrist

Hey, look at me.” 

Don’t you get it? I can’t deal with this…. 

I look into his eyes, trying to keep my face expressionless

You can’t choose who you love, and I know you will never reciprocate those 

feelings, and I respect that. But you don’t have the right to say whether they are

waste of time or foolish, because that’s my choice and I don’t think they are. You are 

an incredible woman, Zaia.” 


You’re hurting and I’m not trying to make matters worse or use your emotional 

state to forward my gain, but just remember, you are worth way more. There are so 

many men who would sacrifice the world to have you by their side.” 

Only not the one I loved… 

Tears prickle my eyes and I look away, ashamed that I let it get to me

I’ll see you tonight, Atticus,I say quietly

Alright.He replies softly as I take my leave

The moment I enter the changing room, I kick off my shoes and step into one of the 

showers. Switching it on, I sink to the ground, wrapping my arms around my legs

+15 DONUS 

If only… 

Love hurts… 

What a twisted game it plays. I want the one who doesn’t care for me, and the one 

who wants meI will only hurt him more

I remain under the shower until Valerie’s voice comes into my mind, telling me that 

the kids are asking for me. The mind link is something she, too, has mastered now

And sofor them, I get up and push the emotions away


Are you sure you still want to do this today?Atticus asks

I close the report of Mom’s postmortem, my mind spinning

She had several broken bones, along with so much other internal and external 


We were ready to test out the Moon Dust, but the report has shaken me

Mom had been sick


According to this report, she’d been sick for a whileand it seemed that the poisoning around my birth had just made it worse… 

We never did find out who administered the poison back then,I say quietly. I’m 

assuming it could be the man Annalise was speaking to in your pack. Gerard 

wouldn’t have done it himself

Atticus frowns. I’ve been trying to find some clue, anything that could help. We do 

have footage of every New Year’s ball and I have had the tapes searched. Some files were deleted, but we are trying to recover them. Someone should show up, the main 

hall was definitely covered from all angles,he replies

Good. I need to knowI sigh

She knewthat she was sick. Did she never mention it to you?Jai asks quietly

+15 BONUS 


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