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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 253

Chapter 0253 


She bursts through the door like the Goddess herself, a deep orange glow coating 

her vibrant auburn fur as she launches herself at me

I jump to the side as she snarls, turning and glaring at me and for a moment all I can 

think of is how magnificent and powerful she looks

Zaia!Hugh says, concern and fear in his eyes, but he has nothing to worry about.

will not let her get hurt, even if it means I have to warn her

She snarls at me, showing off her deadly fangs

One cannot say her wolf is beautiful, the word does not do justice to her 

otherworldly appearance. She looks like a beast, one that is made to match mine

simply far more impressive

‘What are you waiting for?I hear Gaultier snarl in my head, and it snaps me from my 

trance as Zaia swipes the key towards Hugh with her paw


Well, we meet again,I say coldly, knowing I’m being watched, watching as Hugh 

unlocks the other cuff quickly

She simply snarls as she launches herself at me

Why didn’t you tell me that you were choosing the other side? I wouldn’t have stopped you!she asks, her voice piercing through the mind link


you can’t kill her, then you need to take her hostage. Zade is on his way to you,‘ 

Gaultier growls through the link. I can hear the sound of wolves shouting and 

wonder if Atticus has managed to hold Zade back

Take her hostageno. I feel uneasy but keep my face emotionless

Understood. She’s not leaving here.I say, taking out my gun

Come on, Foxie… 

+15 BONUS 

As predicted, she launches herself at me and slams me aside, making the gun go 


I growl back as she stares at me, her burning orange eyes filled with pain and rage

You should leave before the others get here, and they stop you. You know you can’t 

take on three of us, Zaia.I reply emotionlessly through the mind link. Hoping she 

stopped being fucking stubborn and got out of here

My only reply is a battle cry as she launches herself at me, and I shift. If I didn’t,

would have broken a few bones. The impact knocks the wind from me, throwing me into the far wall with a deafening bang

Get the fuck up, man!Gaultier snarls

I’m not sure how he knows what’s happening in here, or if someone is relaying what 

is happening through the cameras to him. But I need to make this look real because 

both Gerard and the Fatheras they called him, trust Gaultier and will take his word 

over mine

I know. Get the fuck out of my head.I snarl as I throw Zaia off me, but she simply 

turns and launches herself at me again. If the situation wasn’t so dire, I would have 

admired her strength. Zaia, listen to me.” 

Not unless you have a reason!she shouts back, snarling


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