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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 265

Chapter 0265 

The poison… 

Poison. Who did you deliver the poison to?I snarl

I don’t know their name, believe me! My duty was to deliver it, that’s it!He says

he’s shaking now, but I do believe him. He cannot lie under the alpha command

Poison that you knew would harm me and my unborn pups. You knew that.” 

I had to obey my master,he says quietly

And who is your master?” 

He opens his mouth, but nothing comes out

Not that again

Tell me!I snarl, not caring about the consequences

His eyes fill with horror as he opens his mouth

My own thoughts make me tense and I raise my hand. You can’t say, but you can 

tell me every single thing that you have done. Involving the Sable, Annalise, your 

betrayal. Even if you cannot tell me your master’s name, I want to know everything.” 

I command, my eyes blazing orange

I still can’t believe that someone so ordinary, who could blend into his surroundings

was a traitor

Please forgive me, my queen. I didn’t mean you so much pain or ill will-” 

I slam my hand into the table, making him jump as he swallows

But I was only doing what I was commanded to,he whispers. I was the one who 

helped Annalise stage her kidnapping, and I was the one. The one who made sure 

that your food and water supply was being contaminated with the drug 

He lowers his head like a man defeated, knowing he will be punished for his crimes 

At someone’s request, was it Gerard King?I ask coldly

+15 DONUS 

No,he says, and I tilt my head, wondering if I might have just found a loophole… 

Lawrence Walton?” 


Zade Toussaint?” 

No! Please have mercy on me. I only did what I was told I had no choice.He pleads

Atticus Payne?” 

No, please Alpha.” 

Someone from this pack… 

Aran King?” 

No, please.” 

You have sealed your fate, Ethan, the moment you did those wrongs.” 

I had no choice. Please believe me!” 

You could have come to me,I reply coldly. Or Sebastian.” 

Jai O’Dell?” 

No, please forgive me, Alpha. They could hurt my family-” 

You have no family, Ethan. Your mother died a few years ago, did she not?I ask 


But she was alivehe mumbles

He’s scared and as much as I want to unleash my wrath on him, I also know that he seems to have been coerced into helping…. 

I know how those things work. First, they blackmail you with a loved one or moneyand then they have enough dirt on you to destroy you

No matter how angry I am, there’s a calm clarity in my mind. I’ve run on my emotions for long enough

+15 BONUS 

Things can be easier for you, Ethan, if you speak the truth,I say quietly. I am in charge here, and we are getting so close to finding those enemies. Pick your side 


He gulps, his jaw hard as he nods. I can’t say.He pleads

Hmm, you’ve said” 

Think Zaia… 

The boy in the woodsA… 


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