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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 274

Chapter 0274 


I’m pregnant

I stare across at Valerie, trying to digest something I thought could never happen 

again as Jai whistles in surprise

You said I can never get pregnant. My body can’t handle it.I say, my mind 

screaming that once again, I’m alone. Once again, I learn I’m pregnant, but he isn’t 

here by my side

I did think that, but clearly your body has strengthened since you have no longer 

been consuming poison and I think with you coming into power and shifting, it has also helpedmaybe.She says with a small smile, although I can see the emotional 

conflict in her eyes. It’s a miracle, but a good one… 


I nod as I slowly place my hand on my stomach, very aware of Atticus’s hand on my 

hair. I don’t deserve his concern… 

There’s a life inside of me, meaning I need to be careful. When there’s a war before

us, how do I do that

This just makes me even more vulnerable

No one must know,I murmur

They nod in unison, and I stare vacantly at the wall

I’m pregnant…. 

Zaia, are you alright?Atticus’s voice is full of concern as I look over at him and try 

to sit up

His hand instantly slips under my head as he grips my shoulders and slips his other hand under my thighs, lifting me and placing me in an upright position against the 


Thanks. Yeah, I’m okI reply

Any time.He responds with a small smile

It shouldn’t be any timeyou have a life… 

I wish there was a way to tell Seb.Jai sighs

Jai,Valerie warns quietly

He needs to know,Jai says quietly

Now is not the time,Atticus warns him

He lowers his hand and sighs heavily. Believe what you want, but he wouldn’t do this- betray us. He loves you, Zaia, and he loves his kids.He stands up, and walking to the door, pulls it open

Jai, come on.Valerie tries

Jai,I say, making him stop in his tracks

Yeah?he says and when he looks at me, I see the pain in his eyes

Sit down, let’s talk.” 

I’m beginning to fear those words,Atticus says lightly as Valerie smiles and walks 

over to Jai

Come onshe murmurs. He sighs again, brushing her hair back, and when she 

hugs him, he hugs her back tightly

Alright, I’m cool. What is it?he asks when they part, and he kisses her cheek 

before dropping into the chair he was previously sitting in

sigh heavily and look at Atticus. He needs to know so he can at least stop 

defending Sebastian

We found the location of the cameras in the pack because of himand we’re pretty certain that he joined them, for the antidote for Sia,I say

Although it feels right telling him, my heart squeezes with an unspoken panic

realising that as I spoke those words, fear crept into my mind

+15 BONUS 

I’m scaredScared that one of them is a traitor and this gets back to the Sable… 

I hug myself, pushing the thought away

I’m becoming too paranoid

Jai looks up sharply, his heart racing before he exhales, a huge grin breaking out on his face as he jumps up and rushes over to me. See, I knew it! He wouldn’t betray you!he says, taking my hand. He gives it a gentle squeeze. He loves you, Zaia!” 

He still didn’t tell me the truth… 

He still broke my trust…. 

He still left me… 

He is on our side and when the time to end this comesI know he’ll be the wildcard we need to win this war.Valerie says, looking relieved

Atticus nods. But it’s something we can’t tell anyone, just in case. Anyway, the cameras have been taken care of, but they’ve tried to break into my pack twice, but they failed. Unlike this pack, we weren’t at as much of a risk, but we are still trying to weed out the doctor or nurse or multiple persons who administered the poison to you. Everyone who took care of you in your pregnancy is being held in isolation just 

to be sure” 


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