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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 311

Chapter 0311 


Ever since I spoke to her in the kitchen, she’s been quieter, although she’s smiling, which lights up those gorgeous eyes of hers. I wish I could change the past, change the decisions I made

Seeing Sia sick was the last straw. The promise that Gerard had the antidote drove me to get it for her, no matter what

Watching Zaià crouch down gracefully, yet looking so fucking sexy as she talks to Sia makes me wish I could be the reason behind her smiles… 

But instead, I’m the reason behind her tears

The pain that comes with love is often never spoken of. Two people may love one another immensely, but there are still so many hurdles that they have to overcomebut I think I hurt Zaia one time too many…. 

And that thought agonises me, torments me

Time to cut the cake!Sia exclaims as Zaia passes Dad the knife

Everyone gather around,Valerie says with a small smile that doesn’t reach her eyes which still hold sadness




So much suffering

These emotions come in different forms for every person, but we all feel it. The emotions that will bring us to our knees, steal the air from our lungs, the sort of emotions where every part of you aches, yearns and screams for its end. It’s brutal and blinding in its pain. It bashes your soul harder and quicker than the most powerful of storms

I ruined this for us. I understand her point. I fucking see her reason. I just wish it wasn’t like this. I ruined what love and trust meant to her

I’ve tainted it with heartbreak and betrayal. Now I wish I could protect her heart just to make sure no one else dares hurt it, yet are my hands the place for it because I broke it to begin with


Sebastian?Hugh says, snapping me from my thoughts

Walking over to them, I step up next to Hugh as they stand gathered around the table and begin singing. I refuse to join in, simply strumming my fingers to the rhythm

Dad cuts his cake, feeding Zaia first and then the children. He glances at me before I reach over and take the cake from his hand, but instead of eating it; I hold it out to him

A silent peace offering to mend the bridges that we are trying to resurrect… 

He smiles faintly, biting into it. Thank you, son.” 

Don’t thank me, I didn’t make it,I say quietly, glancing at Zaia

She has the smallest curve of a bump already forming, and she looks gorgeous. Although I’m the one who asked for us to talk, I’m not sure what the outcome. will bedeep down I’m not sure it will be in my favour, but still, I need to knowI need to know if there is any hope of fixing what I broke. I destroyed her, and now I suddenly find myself wanting to rebuild her to who she once was, even if the truth is she doesn’t need me to rebuild her because she’s truly capable of rebuilding herself

It’s a while later and the kids are playing happily with Dad and the others, and despite the fact it is getting quite late neither is tired

Are you sure you don’t want to go to bed?Zaia is asking them

Yes Mommy, I’m a big boy now, and Sia is stronger now. So, we stay awake,Zion says firmly

They deserve to get to break their routine for a day at least.Hugh chuckles as. Zion nods vigorously

Yes, Granddad is right. We deserve this,he protests as Sia giggles

Yes, we big now,she declares

Ok then,Zaia says

Shall we?I ask, jerking my thumb towards the door. She stands up slowly smoothing her dress, her face unreadable as the mask that she puts on in front of me slips into place

Excuse meshe says

+16 BONUS 

Ok Mommy, you go talk to Daddy. We will look at Grandad’s gifts!Zion says


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