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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 322

Chapter 0322 


Sebastian left for town despite my worry that the weather looks extremely rough, but I’m sure he’ll be fine. He is a big boy

Big indeed

A very dirty image flashes through my head of Sebastian naked with his hand around his cock and the wooden platter I’m holding slips from my fingers when I realise what I had just pictured


My cheeks burn as I kneel down, picking it up as Sia and Zion rush inside, worry clear on their face

Zion reaches me first as Sia picks up the platter

Are you ok Mom?he asks worriedly, taking my hands and checking for injuries

I’m fine. I was just a little clumsy,I reply sheepishly

Oh, that’s not like you Mommy!Sia tilts her head, observing me with concern

I blush as I stand up. I was a little distracted.” 

The twins look at one another before nodding slowly

Ohnow we get it. Cool.Zion grins before taking Sia’s hand and both leave the room. I watch them suspiciously. What does that even mean

I exhale deeply, placing a hand on my chest

No more thinking of SebastianI need to get to work on dinner. I initially thought I’d be alone and would have had leftovers, but now I need to make sure I’ do have food for the evening

There’s not much to work with but I have potatoes andI open the freezer door smiling when I see the breaded cod fish

I think we can have fish and chips for dinner

I get to work, peeling and slicing the potatoes, wondering when Sebastian will get back. Time seems to be passing by slowly and I’m feeling restless as I keep 

glancing at the time

Is Sebastian ok

+15 BONUS 

Should I try to reach out to him via the link

No, he might think I’m worried

Sighing, I rinse the potatoes slowly. I had told the chef to have the rest of the holidays off, so it’s just me. I place the washed potato down, picking up two more

I rinse them off, frowning as I notice the water isn’t draining as fast as it should. Is something stuck in the sink? I place the potatoes down as I prod a barbeque stick down one of the drain holes

Hmm, the water’s still clogged, what is wrong with it? I place the stick down and open the cabinet beneath the sink, looking at the pipes

Nothing seems off

Oh well, there’s not much I can do now. Putting the oil on the cooker, I get back to washing the potatoes and slicing them up, wondering once again if he’s alright… 

An hour has gone by and the smell of freshly cooked chips and fish fills the kitchen and I’m no longer able to stop myself from mind linking him

Sebastian? Can you hear me?‘ 


I smile faintly as I sprinkle some salt and pepper over the chips

Are you alright, when are you getting back?I ask worriedly. Has he even gotten. there? What if the weather was too difficult to travel in? If you aren’t able to get there, just turn around.‘ 

I’m almost home. I have a lot of bags, so that held me up a little.‘ 

Oh, perfect.I reply, feeling a weight I didn’t even know lift off my chest

Were you worried about me?‘ 

I’m not expecting that, and I brush my hair back, glad he can’t hear my racing 


There’s a moment’s silence, I guess I surprised him as much as I did myself at my honesty

Then I’ll try to get there sooner.” 

I don’t reply, my heart fluttering. I look down at the basket of chips, trying to calm my emotions. He still has such a strong effect on me… 


Is Dad not back?Xander asks unhappily, tapping my arm

Seems not.Zion sighs as I shake my head in response as Xander pouts

I did say moving your flight forward so close to Christmas was a bad idea.I remind him it was Zion wanting to participate in the iceskating contest that had been the reason for delaying their leaving

Zion smiles. Whatever the Goddess wills, I guess. Maybe this was meant to be.” 

I totally agree.Sia chimes in

I smile at them. That’s true. Well set the table, your father will be here soon, and then we can get-I stop mid sentence as the kids begin helping themselves to the chips

Sorry Mom, they looked good. We’ll take them to the table.Zion says apologetically

It’s quite alright, just set the table first.” 

Ok!Xander says as he grabs the ketchup bottle

Sia and Zion take the rest whilst I begin cleaning up, waiting for the last batch to be done when I sense someone approaching


e can 

I place the cloth down and hurry to the front door, pulling it open before he even knock and find myself face to face with a snowcovered Sebastian

Goddess, look at you!I exclaim as he places the large bags down as I look around for something to dust the snow off him with, but see nothing

If he wasn’t freezing before, he must be now

I’m fine.He reassures as he shakes his hair off. A few flecks of snow fall on me and I step back. Sorry.” 


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