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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 34

I Am The Luna by Moonlight Muse Chapter 34

A Couple of Plans 

ZAIA.  “Zaia, is everything ok?” I look up at Mom from where I’m slicing the potatoes for the evening meal.

“Of course, why do you ask?” I smile. Mom looks concerned from where she’s braiding Sia’s hair at the kitchen table.

“You don’t cook unless you have a lot on your mind.” She says with a knowing look of understanding in her eyes.

I returned yesterday morning and although I filled her in on everything with Valerie; I refrained from telling her what went down between Sebastian and me.

I don’t know why, but I know how she would have disapproved of me spending the night with him, and that would only make me feel worse…

My heart clenches as I remember that morning….


My eyes flutter open and I find myself cocooned in warmth. I snuggle back against the hard wall of muscle behind me when I tense. Wall of muscle?


I’m about to pull away when I realise that my head is on his arm, his hand clamped around my breast, his other arm firmly around my hips, holding me tightly against him…

He’s asleep, I can tell from his steady heartbeat…

“Sleep Foxie…” He murmurs, burying his face into my neck. “You smell good…”

He used to always hold me like this…

I don’t want to get up. For a fleeting moment, I want to enjoy the warmth and comfort that his embrace offers me…

Irritation at my weak resolve makes me glare at the wall, and I slowly free myself from his hold. I have to make sure I never get into this predicament ever again! I need to leave…


“Zaia darling, please answer me,” Mom says, making me look over my shoulder at her.

“Valerie.” I lie, well it isn’t a complete lie. Valerie has been on my mind, and I have been doing some research. “Oh, you are thinking about the therapy, correct?”

I smile. “Yes, you can call it that. I know in this day and age the practices of our ancestors aren’t implemented at all, but I truly feel I’m onto something.”

“Oh, I have no doubt. So is Jai going to ask Sebastian to allow Valerie to be brought here? You know how he is so stubborn!”

Mom says with distaste. “I know, but hopefully for Jai, he listens,” I say shortly. I have made it clear we will not discuss Sebastian in front of the kids, especially not in a negative light.

I close my eyes, hoping she didn’t catch my tone, and if she did, that she plays it off to my irritation with Sebastian.

I look at my reflection in the kitchen window, wondering who would want us apart? Who is so hellbent on hurting us?

“Don’t let it get to you Zaia, it isn’t your fault you didn’t know about Valerie,” Mom says as Sia slides off the stool and walks over to me.

“Look Mama, I made the moon.” She says, giving me an adorable smile as she holds her paper up to me. I crouch down and take it from her. “Oh, it’s beautiful! Should we hang this somewhere?”

I ask. She tilts her head, thinking deeply. “We hang it near Aunty Valerie, then the moon will heal her.” She says in her adorable little voice. I look at her sharply, my heart skipping a beat. The theory I’ve been discussing with Mom…

I wrap my arms around my little princess and hug her tightly. “That is the perfect plan,” I say, stroking her hair.

“Well, since Sia agrees, we have to!” Mom says. I nod as I stand up, carrying Sia. “Yes, deep down, I feel that this will help. We are werewolves, Mom. When I was there, there was brain movement. She’s in there.”

“And we will save her, right Mommy?” Sia asks. I nod. I told them a little about Valerie when they asked where I went, and both had been very curious.

When I explained to them, they had been understanding, and of course, asked many questions. They may be three years old, but they are bright. I’m just waiting for the day that they ask about their father…

“What is the meaning of this, Zaia?” Dad asks. We’re in my new office, one floor up, at the Toussaint Headquarters, and he has just placed a file down in front of me. I glance up at him curiously before looking down at the first printed page in the file.

“New CEO Zaia Toussaint of Toussaint Empires turns down Business Tycoon Atticus Payne’s proposal.” I read aloud before I cock my brow. “I don’t want to lose focus on what I am doing, Father. I have come so far, and I plan to focus everything I have on my career, not on me.”

I push aside the file and cross my legs as I look across at him. He’s agitated, almost as if he just wants to blow.

“Is something else the matter, Father?” I ask, frowning slightly. “No, aside from someone else stepping in on the Zero project, there’s a high chance we might lose that deal.” He grunts. “If we had Atticus’s backup, I think we could have secured the position and proved we have the capacity to handle the project.”

Marry him for a business deal?

“The one by the mountains… look, Dad, don’t worry, I’m flying out there for the meeting and I’m extremely confident I’ll get the deal. What company has joined the race?” I ask, tapping my pen on the file.

“Sebastian King’s.” Dad almost snarls. My heart skips a beat at the mention of Sebastian. Why would he do that? Everyone knows that our company is interested in that project. Why now?


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