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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 342

Chapter 0342 

Seventeen Months Later… 


And this is the kitchen. There’s a microwave, and a stove and you will have to buy the refrigerator,The landlord says, shoving his beefy hands into his pant pockets

I take a deep breath as I look around the onebed apartment flat that I will be renting for the next twelve months

Sounds great. I have a refrigerator coming tomorrow.I reply, giving him a small smile

He nods, taking out a rather stained napkin and wiping the sweat off his forehead. Good, good, now about the payments” 

I zone out as he goes over the legal work again, although I’ve already checked. everything online and paid the deposit

Yes, Mr Frank. That’s completely fine, you will be paid on the 1st of every month, and I assure you there will be no delays.” 

Good, goodand I heard you will be working at the hospital. Your papers said you were aa nurse?he scratches his head, trying to remember

A doctor. I’ll be working at Neverson Hospital, yes.I remind him

Ah, ok, then you should be able to afford the rent

Of course

Well, if we are done, if I may” 

Ah yes, of course, carry on and welcome to the block. I am on the first floor if you ever need anything. My wife also bakes cakeshe keeps talking as I usher him towards the door

God, this man

When the door shuts behind him, I look around the apartment

I’m ready for a new start… 

I needed this break, away from home, away from the memories of him… 

It’s been seventeen months since he left, but I find myself still remembering him 

Is it because he never accepted my rejection


Hey, you sure?Zaia asks me softly. She’s standing there looking incredibly stunning, the glow since she’s been back with Sebastian shows on her face

She’s happy, and that makes me damn happy, too

Sure? Of course, I’m sure. Why should I go see him?I ask, looking at the tray of bloods I am testing

She nods, and I can see she feels guilty

I know, I just-” 

I may have accepted that he deserves a second chance, but that doesn’t include me being a part of it. He can go to hell for all I care,I say bitterly

It still stings, but since Sebastian told me just yesterday that he’s leaving today, it’s messed me over. I don’t know why, but it has

Ok, as you wish, Val, don’t let this bother you.Zaia’s voice is one of concern as she comes over and gives me a hug. I hug her back tightly, wishing that I wasn’t mated to a killer… 

And I pray to the goddess I never see him again


I walk to the window and look out at the small downtown district I’ve moved to, one that is several hours from home. A place I chose nestled far from the crowded. central districts

When I was looking for jobs, this place instantly drew me, and I knew that this was where I wanted to work and since they were looking for doctors, I took it as a sign

I rest my head against the frame of the window, crossing my arms as I relax, admiring the peaceful surroundings of a carefree block

The surrounding buildings are all apartments. I can see a few have laundry out on their balconies, children play on the streets below and I smile at the group of boys playing ball, reminding me of my two nephews back home, Zion and Xander

I’ll miss Zaia’s kids, all four of them

Yeah, Zaia had a little girl eight months ago, a gorgeous little princess with 


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