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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 344

Chapter 0344 


My heart almost stops, and my eyes glimmer as I ready myself. I’m no longer that helpless woman I once was… 

Even if just the thought of being attacked in my apartment sickens me, I have changed. After the war, I made sure to train, to hone my abilities. Zaia and I had our workout sessions four times a day. I trained hard and although it’s not really something I enjoyed, it’s something I realised I needed

I silently walk towards the door, my bare feet making no noise and when I’m halfway there, I see the shadow move as the person turns away and I close my eyes when they disappear from outside my door

The silent creak of the floorboards in their wake as they move along is a reminder that there was indeed someone right outside the door moments ago…. 

Exhaling slowly, I close my eyes, trying to calm myself before I turn my back to the door and look around the room, placing a hand on my forehead

It could have been the neighboursI glance at the far wall. They’re silent and I can hear the faint snoring from beyond the wall

I enter my bedroom, about to lock the door, when I realise it doesn’t even have



I get back into bed and lying on my back, I stare at the wall behind me. Could it have been one of the neighbours on this side? I did hear something before… 

Shaking my head, I roll onto my side, listening to the sound of a distant siren, and of someone taking the trash out… 

I like it hereit reminds me of my childhood and the small part of town back home where I lived growing up… 

I wake suddenly to the sound of someone banging on the door

What on earth!I matter as I scramble out of bed

Are those my groceries? They said they’ll deliver after eleven and I don’t sleep in! I glance at the clock as I rush to the door

+15 BONUS 

I pull it open to see a woman in her midfifties standing there, her hands on her hips and it’s obvious from her face that she’s not impressed

Can I help you?I ask, brushing my hair back

“Yes, you can. Is that white piece of junk out front yours?she asks, rather rudely

I blink as I glance past her, although we are far too high up to see where she’s pointing past the balcony to the ground far below, five floors down

My car is white, but it’s anything but junk, even if I did downgrade to something a little modest… 

I’m afraid I’m not sure. My car is quite new. It wouldn’t be classed as junk.I answer, running my fingers through my hair

Well, move it, you’re blocking me in!” 

I’ll be right there,I say, shutting the door with a snap

How rude

I had made sure to not block any access. The only thing parked behind my car was an offroad old minivan. I had asked someone about it who said it had not 

been moved in months

Were they mistaken, or was this woman being petty? I’m sure it’s the latter

Grabbing some black yoga pants, I pull them on and grab my keys with one hand. and sneakers with the other. Putting them on, I hurry out of the front door and down the stairs

She’s waiting outside, arms crossed as I hurry to my car, not missing the way everyone is watching. She scoffs, walking over toyes, the actual piece of junk around here. The minivan

And she called my car junk

I reverse, and she spits on the ground, getting into her van, and I sit there patiently. Goddess, this woman is testing me… 

I wait until she’s driven off, and I’m about to move back where I was parked when the car makes a strange noise

What on earth was that?! 


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