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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 354

Chapter 0354 

A true Alpha questions all because he is born to be in chargeeven if it means disobeying your superiors” 

That’s what he once said with pride. I didn’t kill Zaia Toussaint when she was pregnant, although I had found a chance, I hesitated. I couldn’t kill two innocents in the processeven if their mother needs to be destroyed. Gaultier had returned and told them what I had done, and their anger had known no limits, but I got away with it although I’m not sure this time I will if I refuse to do their bidding

Gaultier is younger than you. You have had more training for a reason. Remember that you have no emotions but to serve the goddess!Gerard snarls

It is an insult to who I am to be given such a pathetic target. Let me target Zaia 

Toussaint. I’d rather deal with her.” 

You lost that chance last time!Gerard hisses

I agree. Do as you’re told.Lawrence says, his smile lacking all emotions

Of coursesince then he’s made sure my path never crossed with hers and instead has me focus on the other two… 

No,I say and walk away

They weren’t even sure if this woman was part of the triquetra, yet they wanted us to check her head for the mark and to kill her. If that’s what they want, then they can do it themselves

Zade! You will be punished if you disobey!Lawrence’s voice comes from behind me, but I don’t bother to stop. The punishment is something I won’t be able to avoid but obeying their every command I could… 

Agony splits through my entire body as several men hold me down including Gaultier and Gerard himself. But even through the pain I don’t miss the smug amusement in Gerard’s eyes and the confusion in Gaultier’s after they had beaten me when I least expected to be targeted

Gaultier is

years is becoming numb and blind to his net, one who over the own free will. One who strives for approval from Lawrence, wanting to be seen as the most powerful of the three Blood Born families

What the Father wishes, he gets.Gerard spits. The poison that they had thrown on me is stinging, burning my skin like it’s been lit ablaze, and my entire body is 

+15 BONUS 

begging for reprieve from the pain

They couldn’t handle me alone, so they had formed this pathetic plan. With the poison weakening me, I’m unable to throw them all off no matter how much I try

Indeed, I do,Lawrence says, stepping forward with a thin long syringe in his hands. You see, Zadeyou need to remember your place. What I command must always be obeyed

He crouches down, grabbing me by the jaw. Anger flares through me and I spit in his face. His eyes blaze, and he backhands me across the face, snapping my head 

to the side

Insolent!he hisses

I clench my jaw, feeling my own rage rising like a tidal wave

Enough.I snarl

He laughs humourlessly. The thing is, Zade, only I have the power to say when it’s enough!I don’t expect it, nor do I see him move through the pain and I feel something sharp rip through my eye, before whitehot blistering agony tears, making me growl in sheer agony

I’m unsure where the power comes from, but I tear free from my captors as I clutch my eye with one hand, my claws out in rage

Never have I felt a pain like this! Ever

It’s only getting worse. What was in there


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