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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 36

I Am The Luna by Moonlight Muse Chapter 36

A Past Forgotten 

ZAIA. “Thank you, Alpha Hugh, for allowing Valerie to be placed here and for the warm welcome,” Jai says as he shakes Dad’s hand. “And for allowing me to stay at your pack, it is a great honour.”

Dad nods curtly. “Don’t take it for kindness, I only agreed because you have been a carer for Valerie. You will be allotted an apartment and you may visit Zaía’s place, but be aware, due to you still being a part of that pack, a guard will accompany you at all times. Do I make myself clear?” Dad’s voice is crisp and curt as he looks Jai dead in the eye.

“Yes, of course, Alpha,” Jai says with a firm nod. “After dark, you are not to venture out around the pack, save going to and from Zaia’s home.”

It had been a great surprise when Dad had asked if any family would be staying with Valerie and if so, then he needs to know so he can have security enforced.

It was only jai who would be staying with her, something that Sebastian and Jai both thought was ideal, having Jai closer to me, too. Although I made it clear, I am perfectly fine without them!

“Well then, have a good evening,” Dad says to the both of us before he glances at the house for a second before he takes his leave. “Come on in,” I say.

Valerie’s room was already arranged in the conservatory, and I had everything in place for my hope in this ritual of healing.

I know the omegas who helped set the place up and Dad thought I was crazy, but they entertained me anyway. I didn’t even care when I received side-eye looks when they brought in the supplies I asked for.

I didn’t mind what they thought of us, as long as she got better by it. I’m willing to try anything for her.

I need my girl back. “So… can I meet them?” Jai asks me. He looks a bit nervous as he tries to hide his excitement. The children…

I nod, smiling slightly. “Of course,” I say, leading the way inside. “I told you to have dinner with us. He nods, “You were saying, I hope you cooked because I miss your food and I’m excited to meet those little mini versions of you.”

Or one mini version of Bastien. Sebastian and I had arranged a time for a call tonight, and I won’t deny that I’m a little nervous… It’s the one time we have arranged a timing, so there is a chance it won’t just be a quick thing…

I have a feeling he’ll ask me why I left like that… and with me asking Atticus, which I did tell them, I’m sure he might want details.

I lead the way into the lounge, pushing away those thoughts and smile, watching the twins who are playing with building blocks.

“Holy…” Jai mutters. I look at him and back at the kids, realising they are building quite an impressive structure.

“No Sia, like this see?” Zion says gently, showing his sister where to put the little piece she’s holding.

“Smart little buggers huh…” Jai whistles as the twins are so deeply immersed with what they are doing they don’t realise we’ve entered.

“Children, come on over here, this is… Uncle Jai, a friend of mine.” I say, drawing their attention away.

They both look up and Zion is the first to spring up and hurry over, with Sia a few steps behind. “Hello,” Zion says, holding his hand out to Jai.

Jai crouches down and I can see the emotions in his eyes. “Hey, Zion.” He says softly, taking his small hand and giving it a shake. “Love your hair.”

He ruffles his hair before I see him touch his chest and lower his head ever so slightly.

He’s acknowledging him as his future Alpha. He glances up at me and for once there’s no smile as he tries to contain his emotions, looking at Zion once again.

The look in his eyes is of someone given hope A pack that is still without an heir…

Am I selfish in keeping them here?

I want to protect them.

I remain emotionless as Sia clings to my leg shyly, peeping out at Jai. “Hello, princess,” Jai says gently, holding his hand out to her.

“Hello.” She says, still holding onto me. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. They are mini versions of you…” He says looking up at me as he tugs her cheek gently.

He means both of us. “But I don’t look like a girl,” Zion says, pointing up at me and pulling a face.

Jai smiles and shakes his head. “No kiddo, it’s true you don’t look like your Mommy.”

Zion looks relieved at that. “Alright, dinner is ready! Jai, how are you?” Mom’s voice breaks the emotional atmosphere, and I couldn’t be more relieved.

“Melanie! Oh wow! It’s been three years, but you still look as beautiful as I remember, if not younger and even more ravishing.” Jai flirts as he stands up and hugs Mom.

I can’t help but smile, reminiscing on the past…


“Want to elope?” Jai teases Mom, earning himself a frown despite the smile on her lips. 2

“No. Now go find someone your own age!”

Mom scolds.

“Ouch, you look beautiful, though. How do you expect me to stay away?”

Sebastian’s deep chuckle from behind makes my heart skip a beat before his strong arms lock around me from behind. “Want to escape for a bit?” He whispers, his lips

meeting my neck, sending a jolt of pleasure through me. My breath hitches as I look up at him. We had recently found one another and would soon be married…

And although Mom disliked Sebastian, she was trying to tolerate him, although she kept telling me he was a mistake.

I bite my lip, about to reply, when Mom looks up disapprovingly and calls us over to the table.

“Maybe later?” I whisper, leaning up and kissing his lips. His brilliant blue eyes sparkle before he smirks. “I am going to hold you to that, My Little Fox.”


I take a deep breath to calm my emotions as I head to the dining table and take my seat.

The dinner with Atticus was two nights ago…

and although I told him everything will continue the way it is between us, I do feel I need to put distance between us. It’s the

only way he’ll accept it and move on to find someone else. “Oh, you made my favourite!” Jai says as he helps himself to some pasta.

I raise an eyebrow. “Isn’t that always the case with anything I cook?”

“Well, if you cook it, I’ll eat it. And it’s an instant favourite!” Jai says with a wink at Sia. “Don’t you agree?”

She nods shyly as she leans closer to me.


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