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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 391

Chapter erot 


Move away from bet?Atticus snarts, grabbing my arm and yanking me behind bum protective, the towers he had passed me falling to the floor

Gade doesn’t move, but I see the way his jaw tightens, and the flicker of blue in Is, and the filcker of blue in his eve as he stands there, emotionless and calm on top, but I know that beneath that external tagade he almost comitered

Unband her. Now,he says, his words chillingly cold

For a second, I am looking at this from Atticus’s point of view and I remember Zade isn’t just the guy who’s giving me hugs that feel like the safest place in the work, not the guy who takes all my shit, but he’s also extremely powerful… 

And dangerous if he wants to be

I’m ok,I say to him softly, hoping he realises that this is just Atticus being at big brother. Zade’s eyes flash again, and this time, there’s a glint in his eyes

I think she’s old enough to make her own decisions, Payne, I don’t like my woman being manhandled by anyone.There’s a menacing warning in his voice, no matter how calm his tone is

ke your tracker. Who knows what 

Your threats don’t bother me. You left and you’ve been up to? Do you really think I would be ok with you being alone with her?” 

A little late to worry about her being alone with me. As for the tracker; I was promised freedom, yet I was bound. I didn’t ask for any of it. But since your people made the decision, it was up to me what I did with my freedom.” 

Your peoplethe clear divide between us

He advances towards Atticus like a predator ready to slice into its prey

That decision came with terms.Atticus snarls

I shake my head. It doesn’t matter. He has done nothing wrong. Atticus, please. Calm down. It’s a relief that Zade has been here with meif he wasn’t I’d have been raped and dead long ago.I say, my stomach churning at the thought. Atticuseyes flicker with surprise and Zade reaches for me, not bothering that he is close to Atticus who might just attack, as he takes my arm, and pulls me free from Atticus’s hold, before he steps back and wraps his arm possessively around

my shoulders from behind, his eyes trained on Atticus, almost as if challenging him to say something

What proof is there that he didn’t set itI gasp and Atticus sighs, his brows furrowing and I’m grateful he stopped himself. Those words that he almost spoke would have cut deeper if he had finished the sentence


He isn’t good for youValerieremember who he is. He was part of the Sable.” 

I nod. He wasso was Sebastian-” 

Who chose the right path in the end and as much as I hate defending him, he had reasons.” 

And Zade also chose to do the right thing when he surrendered. Tell me Atticus, if Zaia was the one chosen for the Sable, would you have given up on her?” 

Those words hit him hard and he tenses, glancing sharply at Zade before turning to me fleetingly and then looking away for a split second, giving me the answer he has not put into words

He might be getting over her, but we all know he loved Zaia deeply. Sometimes I honestly felt he was better for her than Sebastian, but the heart wants what the heart wantsand their love has always been strong, even if they had a lot of hurdles to cross. → 

There are a thousand differences between him and Zaia. She’s different.Atticus tries to get me to see his reasoning

I’m glad you can see that,Zade says, cutting this conversation short. Dinners. getting cold.– 

He lets go of me and turns, leading the way to the table, whilst Atticus stands, frowning. I’m not hungry.” 

Don’t be dramatic. We’re all adults here. Come on.I say dismissively

He clenches his jaw. Does anyone know about this?he asks me sharply

No,I answer truthfully. But I know Zaia will have my back.” 

Atticus frowns at that and seems a little annoyed as he allows me to lead him to the table, which only makes his irritation rise again. There are four seats, and Zade has already taken one

Atticus pulls one of the two empty seats on this side of the table out for me, a clear sign he didn’t want me sitting beside Zade. For goodnesssake, what is this

+15 BONUS 


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