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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 418

Chapter 0418 


There are too many of them, and they knew I was coming. This was a cleverly thoughtout plan, one that even I failed to see through

Rage like never before burns through me as I cut them down with no mercy. I have a few cuts and I managed to dodge the bullets, but it doesn’t matter; I welcome the pain willingly, using it to fuel my vengeance as I cut through another man who falls as if he was nothing more than a block of butter

You’ve been a thorn in our side for far too long, but we finally caught up to you and your precious little girlfriend.One of the men snarls as he lunges at me

There was something in the air that was so faint we didn’t even pick up on it, layered in with the dust that’s what has slowed me down

They’ve gotten fucking smarter

Their aim to get rid of us is clearer than ever

Wanting us dead was their life goal

First you, then her!he grunts. 

Touch her and you will fucking die.I snarl, my eyes blazing and grabbing him by the head, I snap his neck as I throw his body to the ground. The sound of footsteps running up the steps makes my heart skip a beat


A couple have gone up! I’m coming, hold on baby girl,I say through the mind- link, trying not to let any fear that I feel into my voice as I kick another man off me, shooting him through the forehead before I run past them

I’ve never felt fear as I do when it comes to her, proof that even the strongest of men will face fear. This is what it feels like to have someone you care for being in danger

I’m almost at the stairs when another two block me. Something hits the back of my head, sending blinding pain through my vision, as it feels like my head is about to explode

Only I’ve fought through such pain all my fucking life. I spin around, the thirst for blood only growing. But I’m not expecting a werewolf

One of uswith them

+15 BÔNUS 

It’s been a while, Toussaint.The voice is familiar even if he is masked, but his identity does not matter right now

So you betray your own kind?I snarl as I shove him back, only for him to block and lash out at me. I don’t block, wanting to get close to him. I can’t feel anything much at that moment. The only thing I can feel is the powerful thirst to kill, to destroy every fucking thing

We were betrayed anyway by our own!he snarls as I kick him, my foot connecting with his jaw. Just as someone shoots me from behind

I don’t have any fucking time to care for traitors. I raise my gun and pull the trigger right through the fucking brain just as I dodge another hit to the head. Blood is already dripping from me and I won’t be able to keep going for long. I need to end things quickly

My girl needs me. I’ll see your fucking face later

I rush up the stairs, shoot two more men at pointblank range, and throw them against the wall, my heart racing when I hear the struggle from the room. I have never run faster, reaching the door quickly. 

But I’m a few moments too fucking late. The sound of gunshots rings in my head just as I grab the man who fired, not missing the injury to his neck


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