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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 457


“Which is what we’re saying,” Zade counters almost mockingly as he flips the bread knife he’s holding lazily between his fingers as he’s relaxed back in his seat.

“I’ll be fine,” I say. Zade looks at me for a second, almost as if observing me.

“So then, go back there. Try to carry on as normal and we’ll make sure security is completely amped. Including within the hospital,” Sebastian says before he looks at Atticus and his brow furrows. “What’s your issue, won’t you give your input? You usually love to give your opinion, even when it’s not needed or wanted.”

All eyes turn to Atticus, who looks up, blinking as he’s brought out of his reverie. “Yeah, that’s fine. I will make sure to send my best men as well.”

What is up with him?

“And how long until I get that list of chipped werewolves? Or shall we just start calling those we know, like your pack members, in to have their chips removed without the government’s so-called consent. I don’t really understand why they even get a say,” Zade says coldly.

Zaia sighs softly, shaking her head. “I know… I wish we did things differently.”

“No. This was decided on, to satiate an uprising. People do silly things when filled with fear, deadly things.”

The table falls silent before I stand up, telling them I’ll go visit Atticus’s mom, Shelby, as I want to also check her paperwork myself. And then after that, I will go to get a pregnancy test, which should be available in the small pharmacy within the pack.


“She’s not doing well at all. This is so much more serious. Why didn’t you tell me?” I ask when Atticus enters and I’m pouring over Shelby’s reports, having lost track of time.

“You had just left on your break. I didn’t want to call you back… Besides, there’s no cure… her body isn’t able to fight it. The doctors think she’s not got long left,” he replies quietly, his eyes shadowed as he looks at the woman who may not be his blood, but she is his mother in every right.

I look down, indeed the reports don’t look good… and everything I would have tried has been tried…

“I’m sorry, but I will perform another blood test and see if I can advise on another route,” I say quietly.

He nods as he walks over to the bed, stroking Shelby’s hair.

“What is it, Atticus?” I ask quietly.

He sighs heavily and looks up at me. “Nothing.”

“I thought we were closer than that,” I say, feeling a little hurt.

He looks down. “Well, you look like there’s something on your mind as well.”

I smile bitterly, unable to stop myself. “Mine isn’t important, I’m just overthinking things.”

“I will be the judge of that. Tell me, what’s wrong?” He comes over to me and crouches down in front of me, taking my hand in his as he rests it on top of the clipboard in my lap. “Is it between you and Zade? Did he say something to hurt you?”

I shake my head. “No, I just… it might not even be anything, I mean until I check…” I mumble before I sigh and lean forward, resting my head on his shoulder.

“Tell me,” he urges softly.

Sighing again, I close my eyes. “Long story short… I might be pregnant. But he doesn’t want a child and although I might not be… I feel as if he’s become a little distant this morning.” There, I said it, no matter how stupid it sounded.


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