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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 47

I Am The Luna by Moonlight Muse Chapter 47

Chapter 47 A Few Answers

SEBASTIAN. An hour has passed, and she’s not awoken. Hugh is a jerk and what pissed me off is that he wants me to explain everything first, and I do, leaving only a little out.

What I don’t mention is the fact that I contacted Zaia or anything to do with our run-in back when she had her promotion dinner. Neither do I mention how we plan to work together, instead I say I wanted to work on the deal with her to get her to listen. I had broken in.

We are both silent as a doctor comes in and carries out some checks. Once he leaves, Hugh looks at me scathingly.

“I can have you arrested for trespassing.” “From everything I just told you, is that all that stuck in your mind?” I ask coldly.

He frowns. “Yes. Stay away from my daughter… Even if you did things for her, you still hurt her. I feel you really are losing your common sense and becoming a beast that should be contained within.” He sneers as he stands up and crosses his arms.

Ass. “Annalise was never kidnapped… however… Did you find out where the money was transferred from? Zaia would never do something of the sort. She is like her mother in that department. They may talk harshly at times, but they have… good hearts.” He finishes off curtly, clearly not wanting to discuss his ex-wife.

We really aren’t that different. But it makes me wonder why they even split, from what I know and have seen; Annalise’s mother is nowhere as pretty as Zaia’s mother. So, what did he see in her that made him leave his mate?

I’m one to talk. I casually dated Annalise although Zaia had caught my eye before her. I observe him as I ponder over his words.

“I did try to check, but there was no sign of a security breach on her account or anything, almost as if it was done from her computer or phone itself.” I shake my head. It still baffles me.

“Then perhaps someone who possibly has access to those devices and is always around her.” He says, glaring at me.

I frown back. “And since your daughter wasn’t kidnapped, it has to be someone working with her.” I counter coldly.

He irks me. He raises an eyebrow. “She may be my daughter, but I am not the one who chose her over Zaia.” He says, striking where it hurts. “I already told-”

“Yeah, yeah, you told me why you did what you did. Fix up that arrogance, Sebastian, or you will turn out to be as bitter, arrogant, and hated as your father.” He says.

He really does hate him… “And is he the reason you have always resented me? My father?” I ask quietly as I stand up. He doesn’t reply, clenching his jaw and turning his head away sharply. I frown. “Is it?” I push. “Answer me, Hugh.”

“The apple never falls far from the tree.” He replies as I walk over to him, stopping a metre or so away. “Yet every apple of the same tree doesn’t taste the same. I am not my father and if it’s any consolation to you, he can’t stand me either. Especially since Zaia left.” Hugh cocks a brow.

“I highly doubt that.” “The Blood Born; I’ve told you everything. Now it’s your turn.” I say sharply. He isn’t getting out of this one. He frowns as he looks at the bed. “It’s just…

things like that don’t exist. It’s just… a fluke.” I almost laugh and cock a brow. “A fluke? You know what, it doesn’t matter if you think it’s a fluke or not, someone is firmly of the belief that she is Blood Born.

So, we need to know what that means and if you know anything, then tell us because it might just help us figure out who is behind all of this.” I say.

“He’s right, Dad.”

We both turn sharply to the bed, where Zaia’s eyes are now open, and I rush to her side instantly.


“Zaia, you’re awake,” Hugh says, pushing me aside as he takes her hand. I growl menacingly, letting my displeasure be known but allow him to step forward. Simply because I fucking need that information.

“Yeah, good as ever,” she says, smiling at her father, but her eyes flit to mine. Her heartbeat quickens, and I see Hugh’s eyes flicker with irritation. “So where were we? The quicker I tell you, the quicker you can leave.”

I almost snort. I’ll leave when I want to. “When you were born, I did think I had seen the symbol… and so, I did my research…. But it’s… it’s far too outlandish to even consider.”

“We’ll decide that. Just spit it out.” I snarl. Zaia tilts her head as she looks at me, and I cock my brow. “Am I wrong? He’s obviously dragging this out because he doesn’t want to tell us.”

Her cheeks burn a little, but she doesn’t reply, looking away. “You are insolent.” Hugh hisses. “Fine! All I know is that they say Blood Born are here to purge the disbelievers. Those who have turned away from their Goddess. See?


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