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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 56

A Helping Hand

ZAIA. My heart skips a beat as I look down at him. His gorgeous piercing eyes are burning into mine and as much as I wanted to be near him… with him awake… I’m not so sure I can, but I know once we go there, we are going to have to pretend to be together…

“Excuse me? I don’t think that would be proper, Mr King.” I reply, trying to mask my emotions. “I don’t think the other night was proper either, Ms Toussaint, yet I remember you moaning in pure satisfaction.” He counters cockily, placing his other arm under his head.

I roll my eyes, trying not to admire his s3xy body. “Oh please, I was drunk.” I retort. He’s in pain, I can see that, but his arrogance and cockiness far exceed that. How stubborn!

“So then why were you on my bed whilst I was unconscious, were you planning to assault me in my sleep?” He asks mockingly, making me frown.

“You need a smack.” I frown, not knowing what else to say! He yanks me towards him, and I stumble, falling back onto the bed.

He grunts from the force he just used on himself, but doesn’t let the pain phase him as he looks me over shamelessly.

“As much as I want to fuck you all over again, I’m in far too much pain… stay… I could use the company.” He says quietly.

I hesitate, almost agreeing when he opens that mouth again. “Besides, I might need help to undress or pull my pants down. I can barely I move and as you’ve told everyone that we’re together again, then it’s only fair you help me.” He adds with a smirk.

Idiot! “You wish!” I growl, tugging free. “Then at least send a nurse or someone to assist me, I need to go to the bathroom and freshen up a little,” he says as he sits up, flinching in pain. I clench my jaw, knowing exactly what he’s trying to do…

“Fine, I’ll send one,” I say, turning and sauntering to the door. He doesn’t respond, but I can feel his gaze on me; I reach the door, unlock it and I’m about to step out when he speaks.

“Zaia.” I look over my shoulder at him, and he smirks. “Now what are you smirking about?” I frown.

“Nothing, just wondering why you made yourself so comfortable…” his gaze dips to my discarded heels. “The locked door…”

My cheeks flush as he lies there, completely relaxed with that smirk plastered across his smug face,that makes me want to smack and kiss him at the same time. “You are such an ass, Sebastian.”

“Sure, if it makes you feel better,” he taunts.

“Sebastian!” I growl. “Goodnight, Foxie, make sure you aren’t thinking of me as you try to sleep, but if you do, and you need some help to finish off, I’m right here.”

“Urgh, you ass!” I growl. I pull the door open and storm out, shutting it behind me. But I don’t move for a moment, he probably does need assistance…

I stand there silently, hearing a low groan and a thud. My heart skips a beat and I’m about to turn back when I pause. He wanted a nurse, then I’ll call one!

How annoying he is!

I know I’m feeling jealous, and I shouldn’t! I knock on the door beside Valerie’s room where the nursing staff are staying whilst they tend to her.

“Hello Ma’am, is all ok?” One of the women says. My heart sinks as I realise she’s one of the younger ones. “Yes… Valerie doing ok?” I ask. She nods. “Yes, it’s incredible news that Doctor Scott is on the mend, it is nothing short of a miracle.”

“Thank you… I’m happy too. Mr King needs some assistance as he walks. Is there anyone available who may help him?” I ask.

Her eyes light up in a way I’m not too fond of, and she nods. “I’m on duty, I will go.” She replies, sounding a little too happy.

I nod slowly; I know I’m testing him or trying to show myself something. I really have no idea anymore. She hurries off, and I give her a few moments, now wishing I had just helped Sebastian. I know I’m being silly, but when it comes to him, I am irrational at times…

I turn when I hear footsteps and see the nurse walking back towards me, visibly upset. “I’m sorry, Ma’am, but Mr King said he didn’t need any assistance and to leave.” She mumbles.

My stomach does a flip. “Oh… I see…. thank you.” I say, feeling guilty I had sent her, yet a part of me feels happy.

That annoying Alpha…

“He is in pain, ma’am, and I think he’s overexerting himself. Maybe he will allow you to help him, or perhaps Mr O’Dell.”

“Thank you, I’ll handle it and I’m sorry for his behaviour,” I say before I walk past her and head back towards Sebastian’s room.

Taking a steadying breath, I knock on the door. “I said I don’t need assistance!” he snarls, making my heart thud. He sounds so cold….

“Mind if I come in?” I ask.

There’s silence and I take it as a yes. I open the door to see him standing there, in just those sweatpants he was on, but seeing him standing up showed the sheer level of his injuries. So many parts of his body are bandaged up.


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