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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 72

72. A Journey Home


A Mark. An imprint that will strengthen your bond with your fated. Where your mate marks you, it forms a design that is unique to each mated couple. When I mark Sebastian again, his will match mine.

The mark is invisible to the naked eye, and only when the body is going through intense emotion or pain does the mark become visible on the skin. I now stare at my neck in the mirror, the bite wound has healed over but there is still an angry bruise.

I smile softly, it was the right decision to make. We may still have things to sort out, but he has proved that he regrets what he did and how he handled things plus he has made it up to me.

My cheeks burn at the memory of our shower antics. I don’t remember what happened after he marked me, but I think I ended up falling asleep.

I woke up alone in the bed this morning. I now wash my face and wrap a bathrobe around me. I leave the room and walk to the kid’s room.

The sound of laughter reaches me, and I smile gently despite the guilt inside of me. I was meant to keep an eye on them last night. “Mommy! Daddy slept in our room today!” Sia says, the moment she spots me when I open the door.

My heart skips a beat as I spot Sebastian, dressed in grey sweatpants and a white T-shirt lying down in Sia’s bed, his hair a sexy mess, clearly having woken up a short while ago.

“Aww really that’s lovely, isn’t it?” I ask as I walk over to them and give Zion and Sia a kiss. Zion nods, giving me a smile and a kiss back.

“Don’t I get one?” Sebastian says, making the kids stare. My cheeks flush as I look into his gorgeous blue eyes. Sia giggles and I tilt my head. Sitting down on the edge of the bed I look down at him.

“I’m not sure you deserve it,” I say haughtily. “Oh? Can I change your mind on that?” he asks, as he reaches over and cups the back of my neck and tugs me closer.

I part my lips thinking of a reply, but I have none, my gaze instead dipping to his lips. Goddess, this man is unfairly handsome!

He pulls me down, his lips brushing mine in a kiss that makes me feel extremely lightheaded before I move back. Zion is staring at us, utterly shocked, whilst Sia is hiding her face, her cute little face all red.

It was an innocent kiss, but clearly; they aren’t used to seeing that. “So, tell me, why are you here?” I ask him as I ruffle Zion’s hair.

“Did you miss me in bed?” he asks me in French. My heart skips a beat and I blush lightly. “No. I didn’t even realise you were gone.” I reply back in French.

Zion mumbles something incoherently that oddly sounds like it is French. He smirks. “Last night, you told me to keep an eye on the children.” I smile slightly. “Really? I’m glad.” It eases my guilt a little. “Thank you.”

“No need to thank me. They’re mine as much as they are yours. On that note, I want to know what medication Sia is on, and when she’s supposed to take it,” he says, now serious as he sits up.

I look at him, slightly surprised by the sudden change in his demeanour, but he has a point. We’re heading to the Dark Hollow Falls Pack, he needs to know. “I will explain them to you, and I have her files for you, too,” I say.

“Perfect.” I look around the room. I had the staff pack some of the children’s clothing, but a lot of this would have to stay behind.

“Well… you guys, pack your favourite toys with your Daddy, and I’m going to go have a word with grandma, ok?”

They nod. “Pack our toys for what?” Zion asks, now realising what I’m asking. I smile at Sebastian. “Your Daddy will tell you everything, but you see… We’re going with your daddy, to his pack.” I say, leaving the room as the children begin screaming in excitement.

“Really Daddy?”

“Pinky Promise we are going with Daddy?” I smile as I quickly return to my room, stopping when I see the door open. I step inside, scanning the room when I spot Mom packing my things into suitcases, “Mom…”

She looks up, pursing her lips together, smiling tightly. “I was packing for you since I know you are leaving soon.”

“Yes… at noon.” “Yes, and I know you’re picky with the way you like things folded,” she adds as she gets back to folding clothes into my suitcase. I watch her, not sure what to say.

The fake note that I had Sebastien send to me stated that if I left, she’d be exposed… but she hasn’t mentioned that again. But at the same time, I can tell she’s not planning on coming with Us…

I didn’t ask her this time either. “Thank you… So you will stay here?” I ask. She pauses before she lets out a little ” hmph’ “You haven’t asked me to come with you…. and I know… that I have done things you can’t forgive… but I truly have your best interests at heart, Zaia. I love you and the children… They have been my source of happiness and contentment. I’m proud of how far you have come… remember that.”

I feel guilty but at the same time, I’m unable to bring myself to ask her to come with me…

“I’m sorry,” I say quietly. “Don’t be, a child needs not apologise to their parent.” She turns and smiles warmly at me.

I don’t reply as I go over to my safe and begin emptying it and placing the items, money and documents into my bags that I will keep with me.

“Will you remain here, or move?” I ask, looking down at the files in my hand. The work with Harrison was pending, as were other things. I needed to handle these projects immediately.

“I’m not sure yet.” She says quietly.” I’ll figure it out.”


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