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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 9


“Get out! Get her out of here, before I have her thrown from the pack!” Mom’s shrieks make me flinch as I slam my foot on the brakes of my car, pulling up outside of the mansion.

I get out only to see two suitcases tossed on the ground and a sobbing Annalise standing there as Mom blocks the entrance, her face blotchy as she screams.

“What on earth is going on here?” I ask as I rush over to the two women.

Mom’s eyes flash dangerously. “You’re asking?! You are asking me what is wrong when I learned that you have taken a whore! A mistress! Whilst kicking out your wife! Where is my Zaia?” she screams.

I step back, swallowing. I’ve never seen Mom so angry. She’s shaking, her heartbeat is erratic and her eyes are blazing in rage.

“Seb, Seb baby. Tell them we are together now,” Annalise sobs.

Mom looks at me, hurt, her lips quivering as if daring me to agree with Annalise.

“Look, how about we all talk about this calmly?” I suggest.

I’m trying to figure out how mom realised? Annalise resides in a guest room, and I have made it clear to her that I’d break the news to my parents myself, so how did they find out? This is bad.

“Calmly? How can I be calm when Zaia is long gone!” Mom shrieks, making me internally wince.

Goddess, the woman is an angel until she’s pissed off and then she changes into a banshee.

“Don’t touch him!” she growls, yanking me away from Annalise.

“Mom… please, let’s not cause a scene, let’s talk,” I say gently, gripping her elbows as I pull out my phone and hit call when I find the number I’m looking for.

“Hello, Alpha.”

“Ethan, I have a job for you.”

‘Yes, Alpha?’

“Come to the mansion and get Annalise accommodated into one of the flats,” I command.

“Seb, tell your Mom, please,” Annalise sobs as she grips onto my elbow.

A sliver of irritation rushes through me and if it wasn’t for the fact that I need the cover, I would have rather enjoyed this drama between Mom and her.

“Ethan will take you somewhere safe. I’ll talk to you later.”

Mom doesn’t speak, more upset than I had originally thought. Great… if Mom is this upset… I wonder how Dad is going to be after he learns of this revelation - if he doesn’t already know…

Footsteps make me turn and Dad’s manager steps out of the mansion, holding his briefcase. “Ah, Alpha Sebastian, your father is waiting for you.”

I frown as I glance at the mansion. It’s already hard coming here when she isn’t here.

“Don’t keep your father waiting,” Mom says quietly, as she turns away.


“Excuse me,” she murmurs, clearly upset with me.

I frown as I stare down at the ground. How do I explain to them when I don’t know who or where the enemy is? All I know is he is watching my every step…

I make my way inside and head to Dad’s office. The hall is darker down this side of the mansion. The lighting is far less than in the main hall since Dad had refused to renovate this area when we had the house remodelled.

Stopping outside his door, I take a slow breath before I knock.

“Enter,” he says, his voice cold.

Stepping inside, I shut the door behind me. This room has been locked for several months, and I try not to cough as the dust fills my throat.

He’s standing in the centre of his large office. The musty smell of the closed area fills my nose, but he refuses to allow anyone to enter it in his absence.


His voice is quiet, yet the power in it makes it ring off the four walls of the room.

“The name of the Alpha family of Dark Hollow Falls Pack. A name that not only the world recognises us by, but a name that is associated with our reputation, our traditions and our ethics…”

There’s a dangerous edge to his voice. His back is still to me, yet the dark energy that swirls around him is obvious proof of the anger he is trying to contain. “Did you think you could defy me and cast aside the very condition you are holding the Alpha position upon?

He now turns, his eyes ice cold as he glares at me.

“Zaia and I were not compatible,” I lie, my face unreadable as I look him dead in the eye. “As for this pack, in the three years that I have taken over, I have expanded this pack, its borders, and the business. You can’t deny that I am a good Alpha, Father.”

He looks up sharply. “Do you dare question me?”

I frown, “I am only trying to say that by divorcing Zaia, it does not make me a bad Alpha,” I reply quietly, balling my hands into fists.

He looks away as if disgusted by me. “Time will tell, but as long as I am alive, my rules and laws will apply. You may be the Alpha, but as long as I am alive, my word is law.”



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