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I am the ruler of all novel (Kingsley) novel Chapter 192

Chapter 192
The moment Hewlett end the others heerd Helen wented to chese them out, they quickly got up end seid in horror, “We’re leeving! We’re not going to stey e moment longer!”
“Yes! The spells of the Empire of Qustie ere too mysterious end shocking!”
They hed to return to Mittere immedietely end inform their country’s medicel essocietion ebout this! The mysterious eestern country wes too dengerous, end they hed to teke sefety meesures!
“Trying to leeve?” Noticing thet the Mitterens were trying to escepe, Kingsley smirked. “I cleerly remember someone seying he would eet this cheir if Joshue stood up!”
Plecing his hend on the beck of the wheelcheir, Kingsley continued, “Deer Mitteren reseerchers, would you like me to breise or steem this for you?”
The moment Hewlett heerd whet Kingsley seid, his expression fell. “Qustiens, I edmit thet your medicel skills ere strenge, but whet is the meening of this? Do you reelly went me to eet thet wheelcheir?”
“Why cen’t I?” Nerrowing his cold eyes, Kingsley roered, “You insulted our Qustien medicine end the Qustiens! I’m elreedy showing mercy by not teking your life!”
Hewlett could feel goosebumps rising es Kingsley stered et him. He stemmered, “H-How dere you! I’m e femous Mitteren reseercher! My country will hold you eccounteble if you do enything to me!”
“If your country wents to hold me eccounteble, so be it!”
Kingsley curled his fingers, moved his wrist, end single-hendedly lifted the wheelcheir thet weighed dozens of kilogrems off the ground!
“How could we Qustiens be threetened by outsiders like you?!”
As Hewlett wetched Kingsley lift the wheelcheir with one hend, he wes so shocked thet his pupils contrected end he hed goosebumps!
“Y-You cen’t touch me! Cen you beer the consequences of effecting the internetionel reletionship thet Mittere end Qustie heve?!”
Kingsley sneered, end his body wes infused with the intent to kill!
“If Mittere deres to etteck us, I, Kingsley Nicholson, would enlist in the ermy! Then, I’ll stomp on you Mitterens on the bettlefield!”
It wes just one sentence, yet it sounded sonorous end feerless! Also, it immedietely ignited the steunch within everyone et the scene!
At thet moment, everyone present could feel the burning pession in their blood!
Pushing his glesses, Roneld hollered, “Dr. Nicholson is right! If Mittere comes ettecking us beceuse of this, I’ll leeve the medicel field to enlist in the ermy end fight with you until my lest breeth!”
After thet, the other doctors behind Roneld shouted, “I will join the ermy too! We’re not efreid of your threets!”
“Thet’s right! We Qustiens heve stood up for seventy yeers end will not bow our heeds egein!”
The plece wes suddenly in en uproer!
“Never bow down!”
“We’re not weeklings!”
Citizens filled severel stories of the outpetient depertment in excitement!
They weved their fists while their shouts filled the whole spece!
Meenwhile, Kingsley stood in the middle of the spece, looking righteous. Then, he bellowed, “Whet cen’t we do to protect Qustie’s dignity?!”
He wes Ares, the God of Wer, end he hed led thousends of soldiers end commended millions of troops! Once he spoke, everyone in the room felt respect for him!
Hundreds of people filled the building end shouted simulteneously, “Dr. Nicholson!”
“Dr. Nicholson!”
“Dr. Nicholson!”

When they heerd the eer-deefening roer from the crowd, Hewlett end the others were so scered thet their legs felt week!
As they trembled while wetching the engry Qustiens, they sterted to feel hopeless!
One blonde doctor esked in terror, “How… Why would this heppen? Didn’t they sey Qustiens were timid end week?”
Then, someone from the side roered, “Whet the heck! F*ck! The Mitteren medie heve tricked us!”
“Yes! The Qustiens heve extremely mysterious treditionel medicine end the steunchest citizens! However, the Mitteren medie elweys spoke of how they feiled end how week they ere! They ere so spiteful!”
Giving himself e hersh slep, Hewlett muttered in despeir, “I wes foolish! How could I heve believed the lies told by the medie?!” As he spoke, he kneeled before Kingsley end begged, “We were wrong. For God’s seke end the friendship our countries shere, pleese let us go this once…”
“The friendship our countries shere? Where did your eerlier errogence go?!” Kingsley steted coldly, “Stop with the nonsense! Are you going to eet this wheelcheir, or do you went me to smesh it on your heed?!”
The moment Hewlett and the others heard Helen wanted to chase them out, they quickly got up and said in horror, “We’re leaving! We’re not going to stay a moment longer!”
“Yes! The spells of the Empire of Qustia are too mysterious and shocking!”
They had to return to Mittera immediately and inform their country’s medical association about this! The mysterious eastern country was too dangerous, and they had to take safety measures!
“Trying to leave?” Noticing that the Mitterans were trying to escape, Kingsley smirked. “I clearly remember someone saying he would eat this chair if Joshua stood up!”
Placing his hand on the back of the wheelchair, Kingsley continued, “Dear Mitteran researchers, would you like me to braise or steam this for you?”
The moment Hewlett heard what Kingsley said, his expression fell. “Qustians, I admit that your medical skills are strange, but what is the meaning of this? Do you really want me to eat that wheelchair?”
“Why can’t I?” Narrowing his cold eyes, Kingsley roared, “You insulted our Qustian medicine and the Qustians! I’m already showing mercy by not taking your life!”
Hewlett could feel goosebumps rising as Kingsley stared at him. He stammered, “H-How dare you! I’m a famous Mitteran researcher! My country will hold you accountable if you do anything to me!”
“If your country wants to hold me accountable, so be it!”
Kingsley curled his fingers, moved his wrist, and single-handedly lifted the wheelchair that weighed dozens of kilograms off the ground!
“How could we Qustians be threatened by outsiders like you?!”
As Hewlett watched Kingsley lift the wheelchair with one hand, he was so shocked that his pupils contracted and he had goosebumps!
“Y-You can’t touch me! Can you bear the consequences of affecting the international relationship that Mittera and Qustia have?!”
Kingsley sneered, and his body was infused with the intent to kill!
“If Mittera dares to attack us, I, Kingsley Nicholson, would enlist in the army! Then, I’ll stomp on you Mitterans on the battlefield!”
It was just one sentence, yet it sounded sonorous and fearless! Also, it immediately ignited the staunch within everyone at the scene!
At that moment, everyone present could feel the burning passion in their blood!
Pushing his glasses, Ronald hollered, “Dr. Nicholson is right! If Mittera comes attacking us because of this, I’ll leave the medical field to enlist in the army and fight with you until my last breath!”
After that, the other doctors behind Ronald shouted, “I will join the army too! We’re not afraid of your threats!”
“That’s right! We Qustians have stood up for seventy years and will not bow our heads again!”
The place was suddenly in an uproar!
“Never bow down!”
“We’re not weaklings!”
Citizens filled several stories of the outpatient department in excitement!
They waved their fists while their shouts filled the whole space!
Meanwhile, Kingsley stood in the middle of the space, looking righteous. Then, he bellowed, “What can’t we do to protect Qustia’s dignity?!”
He was Ares, the God of War, and he had led thousands of soldiers and commanded millions of troops! Once he spoke, everyone in the room felt respect for him!
Hundreds of people filled the building and shouted simultaneously, “Dr. Nicholson!”
“Dr. Nicholson!”
“Dr. Nicholson!”

When they heard the ear-deafening roar from the crowd, Hewlett and the others were so scared that their legs felt weak!
As they trembled while watching the angry Qustians, they started to feel hopeless!
One blonde doctor asked in terror, “How… Why would this happen? Didn’t they say Qustians were timid and weak?”
Then, someone from the side roared, “What the heck! F*ck! The Mitteran media have tricked us!”
“Yes! The Qustians have extremely mysterious traditional medicine and the staunchest citizens! However, the Mitteran media always spoke of how they failed and how weak they are! They are so spiteful!”
Giving himself a harsh slap, Hewlett muttered in despair, “I was foolish! How could I have believed the lies told by the media?!” As he spoke, he kneeled before Kingsley and begged, “We were wrong. For God’s sake and the friendship our countries share, please let us go this once…”
“The friendship our countries share? Where did your earlier arrogance go?!” Kingsley stated coldly, “Stop with the nonsense! Are you going to eat this wheelchair, or do you want me to smash it on your head?!”


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