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I Claim Your Love novel Chapter 66

"The entire pack!"

The king was stunned and so was the entire hall. The soldiers that reported back from the Tarakan pack silently nodded their head.

"Yes my lord." One of the soldiers said "No one was spared. The warriors and the weak were all mercilessly slaughtered."

"How can a single man be able to do that!" Wallace could not believe what he heard. In fact no one could believe that the carnage that followed after the beasts arrival in Tarakan pack was even possible.

"We have lost one great ally in Donovan." Frederick mourned the death of his good friend. Thus a long slew of conversation erupted about the events that took place a few days back. The entire hall was discussing the mayhem and the setback the king had suffered. The hulk of a man was unbeatable up till now. He was the most treasured warrior for Stanislas. Perhaps his death was a great mishap for the kingdom.

"This confirms our assumptions." Stanislas said all of a sudden "Indeed he is back." his eyes were wide in fear.

The entire hall stood in silence as they waited for their supreme leader to respond. In contrast Stanislas was at a loss of words. His worst fear had come to life. He for once knew that the beast would soon enough glorify his dominance by dethroning him.

After a long wait it was Bernard who garnered courage to stand in front of the king "What are we up against father? I cannot digest the fact that a wolf could be this powerful! Who is he?"

"Someone who will kill us all my dear." Stanislas smiled with a dejected but fearful face "He wont stop until he gets my throne."

"How do we kill him?" Wallace asked.

"You cannot."

The random unheard voice caught everyone's attention and the entire hall looked at the door at once. Standing near the large wooden entrance was a man with a strange crimson and grey robe. His attire caught attention of the entire hall. Moreover his peculiar appearance raised curiosity among the onlookers.

"And who are you?" Frederick asked in caution.

"He is Nevart." Stanislas replied and gestured Nevart to step forward "He has been an old friend." The king then diverted his attention to the man "Speak freely. What do you suggest?"

Nevart nodded and cautiously stepped forward "Killing the beast is out of question but what we need to do is find his weak moment. Render him helpless so that he mourns in his own apathy."

"And how do we do that?"

"It is easy." he smiled menacingly "Everything related to his mate will make him weak. From your conversations we have understood the fact that Callan is perhaps the mate we are looking for."

"This is insane!" Frederick retorted in fear "Hurting his mate has caused annihilation of an entire pack! I don't really want to imagine our fate when we kill that human."

"We wont kill him. Just separate the two."

"How?" the king intervened with curiosity "We don't even know who this wolf could be."

"Is it so hard to know my dear Stanislas...?" The man chuckled "Don't you think that the wolf would've taken the human away from every prying eyes up until now if he were from any other pack." Nevart clicked his tongue "He did not.. which means that the wolf is from the blue moon pack itself. Now I wonder who could be that strong?" he tapped his chin "Only two names I could think of. Ragnar and Einar." Everyone around was puzzled by the words of the stranger.

"Of course Ragnar could not be the man cause he is older and already has a mate."

"Einar has a mate as well."

"That's the fun part." he smirked "Of all the times you have planned an attack the human survived. Don't you find this strange?"

The question seemed to baffle Stanislas as he got thinking for what Nevart was trying to imply. On the contrary the smug look of the man said it all. It was clear that he had figured it all out. He had solved the mystery "The human survived because Einar was always there to save him. His true beloved!"

The entire hall erupted in murmurs. Shock was written all over the faces of the elites. However it was the king and his sons who were the most affected by this information. Stanislas did had suspicion over Einar but he kept his silence for Einar had introduced Rosaline to the world. What he failed to understand was the fact that this was only a gimmick to hide his real mate from his enemies.

Stanislas started connecting all the dots in his head. He felt ashamed of his stupidity and at the same time he was furious to the core. He thumped his fist to the arm of the chair and roared mightily "He fooled us all! Distracted us to save that puny human! That rascal."

He hurriedly stood from his position and ordered his army to take position. His steps however were halted when Nevart spoke all of a sudden.

"Don't agonize yourself Stanislas. Just listen to what I to say." he smiled devilishly.


"How are you feeling?"

"That's a good question." Callan chuckled uncomfortably as he leaned his body weight to the arms of Einar for support "Better than yesterday I guess."

"Is there anything I can do for you."

Callan could see the dejected eyes of his mate. The muscular man seemed desperate for Callan's recovery and at the same time he felt apologetic for his absence in the crucial time of need "Don't drown yourself in guilt. It wasn't your fault."

Einar half heartedly smiled at him and they both were silent for a long time, looking at the festive cheer in front of them.

The stage had been set. People from the village were all dressed up and wore a bright smile to express their joy. Long woven garlands of white lilies were beautifully decorated on the short path while a wooden arch was placed at the center, filled with red roses.

Callan and Einar sat on the farther side of the stage, aloof from every prying eyes. Callan was resting his body on the shoulders of the muscular man while Einar snaked his arms around his beloved. Since the incident a few days back, Einar had been more protective of his mate. He would accompany him everywhere and look after every of his needs. He devoted his entire time to Callan to such an extent that he had delinked his connection to the entire pack.

"What are we doing here when you should be recuperating?"

Callan leaned back and looked at the complaining face of Einar. "This is a big day for Bradyn. He had lost all his hope when his wife died a few years ago. To find love again is really fortunate."

Einar silently nodded. He resumed his gawking at the center stage when his gaze diverted to a child who was by the side of the village chief. "Who is the small kid ?"

"His child from the previous marriage."


Chapter 66: A Step Closer 1

Chapter 66: A Step Closer 2

Chapter 66: A Step Closer 3


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