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I got married without you (James and Amelia) novel Chapter 121

She looked polite and distant as if she wanted to draw a clear line
between them. Seeing this, James couldn’t help but sneer.
There was a hint of disdain and mockery, utterly different from the
warm look he had shown just now.
“Do you think I’m doing this for you?”
He grabbed her cheek with one hand and swung it left and right.
“Look at yourself What makes you think you’re worthy of my
Frowning, she asked in confusion, “Then why did you…”
He suddenly sneered “The man you’re hooking up with now is the
future son-in-law of the Evans family. I’m just trying to trick you
into giving up on him.”
Was Jackson the future son-in-law of the Evans family?
So that’s how it was
The doubt in Amelia’s mind was resolved.
She had felt that something was wrong with James just now. It
turned out that he wanted her to give up on Jackson, so he
Chapter 121 Who’s Ryan?
bewitched her.
She did not fly into a rage from embarrassment. Instead, she
In fact, she was pretty afraid that Jackson had other feelings for
her. She couldn’t bear it and didn’t dare to accept it.
“That’s good.”
She looked at him and smiled. “Since Mr. Collins is your family’s
future son-in-law, I won’t seduce him.”
James’s knitted brows relaxed slightly.
After silence, he said offish, “Stay away from Jackson.”
Amelia nodded obediently. Even without his reminder, she would still stay away from Jackson. She still wanted to live a good life for
a while.
James said nothing else, and his gloomy expression gradually
returned to alienation.
Seeing that he had completed his warning mission, it seemed he
didn’t want to stay with her anymore.
She quickly plucked up her courage and said, “Mr. Evans, please
send me back. I’m scared in the wilderness.”
Chapter 121 Who’s Ryan?
Without looking at her, he started the car and drov e her back to
the hotel garage extremely fast.
Seeing that he had sent her back, Amelia was grateful. “Thank
After thanking him, she quickly pressed the button to get out of
the car. She found the door was still locked when she wanted to
push the door open and get out.
She looked back at him and asked in a low voice, “Mr. Evans, can
you open the door?”
James didn’t respond. He took out a thin cigarette, lit it, put it on
his lips, and took a drag.
Amelia remembered that he didn’t smoke in the past. She hadn’t seen him for only half a month, but he was addicted to smoking.
Moreover, he seemed to have lost some weight, and his eyes were a little blue. It appeared that he didn’t sleep well.
Did something terrible happen to him recently?
While Amelia was secretly sizing him up, he suddenly looked at
“Who is Ryan?”
Amelia was stunned. “How did he know about Ryan?” she
Chapter 121 Who’s Ryan?
“You called this name in your sleep many times.”
He stressed the words as if he had been dissatisfied with them for
a long time.
He had investigated this person before, but it seemed he had been deliberately erased. There was no information, so he was too la zy to investigate further.
But now, he suddenly wanted to know who Ryan was, which made it difficult for her to let go even in her sleep.
Amelia didn’t expect that she would call out Ryan’s name in her
She suddenly remembered that when she had just signed the lovers’ agreement, James had slept with her after doing it.
But it didn’t take long for him to leave her alone.
She had thought that he disliked her.
She had called out Ryan’s name in her sleep, and he had left as soon as he was doing it with her.
Amelia was a little shocked. She thought, “James is a neat fre ak.”
He tolerated her for five years even though he knew she had
Chapter 121 Who’s Ryan?
someone else in her heart.
How disgusti ng he must have felt when he fac ed her for such a
long time.
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I Got Married Without You
Chapter 122 In other words, She Has Never Loved Him
Amelia stared blankly at him, not knowing how to answer.
However, she also felt that she should at least give him an explanation since he had tolerated her for so long.
After hesitating, she said lightly, “Ryan… is someone who once promised me that he would live with me forever.”
When James saw the look in her eyes, he gradually became gloomy, as if she had fallen into past memories.
James’s expression suddenly turned indifferent. “It seems that
you love him very much.”
Amelia collected her thoughts and said lightly, “I used to love him
very much.”
He asked indifferently, “What about now?”
Amelia looked at him. When she saw his pursed lips and chiseled face, she wanted to reply, “I love you now.”


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