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I Have a Tycoon Granpa novel Chapter 135

The lecherous man said coldly, "I'll kill you for one cent less!"

Although Fraser was quite scared now, he was incomparably clear-minded.

Generally, before a kidnapping, the kidnappers would conduct a comprehensive investigation of the one whom they were going to kidnap, such as how rich the family of the kidnapped-to-be was and how much money they could get so that they could reasonably ask for the ransom.

Speaking of Fraser, although he is worth billions of dollars, he hid his identity particularly well. In that case, even Brodie failed to investigate his identity, not to mention the kidnappers.

Fraser wondered why this group of people had targeted him.

The obscene man directly asked for five million dollars which wasn't a small amount.

Fraser felt that there was something fishy in it. However, as for exactly how the whole matter was fishy, Fraser couldn??t figure it out.

"Brother, I don't have that much money."

"As for the Mercedes G, I bought it to show off to others. I only have a total of more than three million dollars. And I spent more than twenty thousand dollars on the car. There are one million dollars left." Fraser looked at the three kidnappers and asked, "What? Isn??t one million dollars sufficient for you to share among you?"

The masked man laughed coldly, "Once one million dollars is handed to three people, this is only three hundred thousand dollars for each. Do you think we will go to commit crime for more than three hundred thousand dollars only?"

With the gun in his hand, the man squatted down and aimed the gun at Fraser's head again, "I have reliable information that you have a lot of money on you."

"You even bought the luxurious car in full payment. In that case, you have at least three million dollars with you."

The masked man said, "Here's the deal, we won't ask you for five million. We just want three million dollars."

"Boss, didn't we say we'd ask him for five million dollars? How come there are two million dollars less?" The lecherous man looked at the masked man in confusion.

The masked man rolled his eyes at the lecherous man and whispered, "Are you stupid? This kid spent two million dollars on his luxurious car. So he doesn't have five million dollars for us."

"Three million dollars is fine, that is, one million dollars for each of us." The lecherous man thought about it and reluctantly nodded his head.

Fraser thought about it and also agreed.

Right now, there were more than twenty million dollars in Fraser's bank card account

As long as these masked men don't harm him and Luna, Fraser was fine with giving them three million dollars.

However, Fraser was worried that these masked ones wouldn??t mean what they said. What if they took the money and directly killed them?

Fraser opened his mouth and asked, "How should I transfer you the money?"

The masked man gave Fraser a bank card number, saying, "Transfer the money to this bank card. Transfer the money to us first. After we get the money tomorrow, you will naturally be released."

Fraser asked, "But how can I trust you guys? What if you guys receive the money and then kill us?"

The masked man laughed and stabbed Fraser's forehead with his gun, "Well, firstly, you don't have any choice."

The masked man said, "Secondly, we wouldn't have been masked until now if we intended to kill you."

Fraser thought to himself, ??If the counterpart indeed wanted to kill them and make a mess, why would they need to wear masks? Isn??t it a superfluous task???

??It seems that these masked men are just going after money.??

Fraser took out his cell phone and transferred the money to them.

However, at this time, Fraser's phone beeped. A text informing him about the deduction of the deposit amount in his bank card account came in.

"Okay, I am done with transferring the money." Fraser smiled and put away his phone.

The masked man held out his hand and said, "Take it out!"


The masked man said, "Your cell phone. I want to see how much money you still have."

Fraser suddenly felt frightened in his heart. There were more than 17 million dollars in his bank card account. If the masked man found out about this, he surely would ask him to transfer him all the deposit he had.

The masked man directly reached out and took out the cell phone from Fraser's pocket.

The masked man said in a cold voice, "Unlock it."

Fraser was a little reluctant. However, the masked man immediately said, "What? Do you want to be shot?"

Fraser thought to himself, "Forget it. If money is gone, let it be. As long as I am alive, it will be fine.??

Fraser tried his best to comfort himself. And when the masked man saw the long string of numbers, he was completely stunned.

"Hamish, look! How much money is this?" The masked man's hand shivered a little as he handed the cell phone to the lecherous man.

"Boss, you're confused. Why did you call out my nickname!" The indecent man was a little angry.

In his opinion, calling out his nickname would easily reveal his identity.

"Take a look. How much is this?" The masked man couldn't care less about this. And he just showed the text on the cell phone to the lecherous man.

Chapter 135 Identity Exposed 1

Chapter 135 Identity Exposed 2


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