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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It novel Chapter 277

Ella’s POV

“I was with my mother,” I told him quickly, which wasn’t a lie. I was with my mother and a few others, including Colton, doing the protection ritual and summoning the guardian of the earth. But I wasn’t going to say that to the detective and Headmaster Prescott.

“With your mother?” He asked, raising his brows.

I nodded my head, leaning back in my seat.

“Yes, sir,” I answered as confidently as I could. “I was with my mother. She was in town visiting and we enjoyed the day together.”

“Ella’s mother is a very powerful Luna for the Nova pack in Elysium,” Headmaster Prescott explained to him. “Her father is Alpha Bastien. He’s the leader of the Alpha Committee so he’s often traveling around and checking out neighboring packs. He’s very close allies with your Alpha as well, detective.”

Detective Sanchez tensed at the mention of his Alpha, whom I’m assuming was Alpha Jonathan. Most of the authorities and emergency services in Higala were from the Crescent Moon pack, which was Alpha Jonathan and Sarah’s pack.

“I see,” he said, clearing his throat. “Then I suppose that checks out.”

“If I need to call my mother, I would be happy to do so, Detective,” I said, giving him a coy smile.

“That won’t be necessary, Miss Ella. I appreciate your time. That’s all the questions I have for you.”

I nodded and stood to my feet.

“Gamma Alexander, would you please escort Ella back to her dorm?” Headmaster Prescott asked kindly.

I had almost forgotten that Alex was standing nearby; he was so quiet during all that questioning. I’m glad he didn’t scoff at my obvious lies or make any grunting sounds to show his disbelief and annoyance at my answers.

“Yes mam,” he said politely. “Should I return here once I’m done?”

“I’ll let you know the next student to escort here once we discuss it,” Headmaster Prescott informed him.

He nodded and turned toward the doorway; this time, he walked first and trailed after him.

Once we were outside, I noticed he was walking in the direction of the dorms.

“I have to go back to Colton,” I told him.

“I’m not getting in trouble for you,” he muttered. “If you want to go back there, you have to sneak back yourself.”

I frowned at his back, but he did not attempt to stop or turn to look at me. I just rolled my eyes and turned in the opposite direction.

“Fine,” I muttered and then I walked further away until I reached the faculty housing.

If I was spotted on my way back, nobody made it known. But as soon as I got to Colton’s house, the door swung open, and Colton stood before me with a look of sincerity and worry. He looked very pleased to see me, but he also looked distressed and worried.

He sighed relief when he saw that I was unharmed and smiling up at him. I flew myself into his arms and he pulled me into his house, closing the door behind us.

“How was it?” He asked, kissing down my temples and across my cheekbones.

“Intense,” I admitted. “He was asking me how close I was to Merida and how she was as a student. I didn’t really know how to answer him. I wasn’t that close to Merida… but everything I said made it look like I was purposely shunning her.”

“If he knew anything about you, he’d know you’d never shun anyone,” Colton said, peering down at me. “You are the most compassionate, caring, and loving person I know.”

I smiled up at him, standing on my toes and kissing him gently.

“I love you,” I said to him.

“And I love you,” he said in return, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me toward his chest.

His kisses trailed down the nape of my neck and across my shoulders. I closed my eyes, soaking him in and basking in his incredible scent. My heart was thudding rapidly against my chest to the point where I thought it was going to explode from my chest.

It was incredible the effects of a mate bond, well after it’s been established. Every time I’m with him is like the first time and it was a feeling I never wanted to go away.

I couldn’t fathom the thought of ever losing him; I’m fairly certain it would literally kill me and my wolf. We would never be able to recover if anything happened to our mate.

As he continued to kiss me and tear my clothes off my body, ravishing me in my true form and making love to the human outside the wolf, all I could think about was, “I will protect him until the day I die.”


Third Person POV

Fear consumed Rachel as she barricaded herself in her room. Her entire body trembled as tears fell at a rapid speed down her pale features. She sat on the floor in the darkest corner of her room with her knees pressed to her chest and her head lowered.

Her windows and curtains were drawn, keeping out the sunlight that desperately wanted to seep into her room.


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