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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It novel Chapter 279

Ella’s POV

“Colton, can you take her back to her dorm room?” Headmaster Prescott asked as we watched the police car take Scott away.

I hadn’t realized I was standing frozen until Colton took a gentle hold of my arm and pulled me along with him. My legs, at first, didn’t want to move. But then after the second gentle tug, they finally cooperated and went with him toward the dorms.

“Colton…” I whispered hoarsely, grabbing his arm with my other hand. I couldn’t even look at him; I was a complete zombie with my eyes filled with tears.

“I know…” he whispered in return. “We will figure this out.”

I almost paused, but instead, I managed to look up at him. He looked concerned, but there was also a stern determination on his face.

“You believe me.”

It wasn’t a question, though he nodded once without hesitation.

“Of course, I do,” he answered. “I will always believe you.”

“You don’t think he killed Merida?”

“I don’t think he has it in him,” Colton told me. “I think I will always trust your gut intuition as well and if you’re sure he didn’t kill him, then I don’t think he did.”

I felt like breathing out a breath of fresh air. My mate believed me. I wanted to throw myself into his arms and hug him tightly, but we were still out in the open and we couldn’t do that right here.

“Where are we going?” I asked, noticing that we were heading in the direction of the dorms.

“I’m taking you back to the dorm for tonight,” he said and though his voice sounded strained, his shoulders were squared. “I think you should rest in your bed and see your roommates. Also, I was thinking you’d want to ask around and do a little digging yourself in the dorms.”

I found myself beaming at him.

“I would,” I told him. “Thank you.”

He looked down at me and smiled at me.

When we got into the dormitory, Eileen Carter stood in the living quarters with Alexander, and they were talking intensely while glancing out the window at the bright sirens. Both their eyes widened when they saw me walking into the room.

“Ella?” Eileen gasped. “I thought you were upstairs. What are you doing?”

“She came running toward the police cars when she saw who was being arrested,” Colton explained, shaking his head as if he was so disappointed in me. But I knew the truth.

“How did you get past us? We’ve been in here all night,” Eileen said, narrowing her eyes at me and folding her arms across her chest.

“The window,” I lied. “I snuck out the window.”

She pressed her lips firmly together and shook her head at me.

“We will discuss this tomorrow, Ella. Get back to your dorm right now.”

“Yes, mam,” I said, glancing at Colton one last time.

He had to stifle a small smile; I could tell. I turned away and rushed toward the stairway.

“Thank you for bringing her back, Professor. I’m sorry for the trouble.”

“We really should look into window security,” I heard Colton saying.

I went upstairs and toward my dorm room. My heart was heavy as I thought about Scott; I hated that he was getting in trouble again.

I knew exactly who was to blame for this; again.

Before I could stop myself, I knocked on Sarah’s door. Within a few minutes, the door was opening, and Kay stood before me with wide and worried eyes.


“Where is she?” I said, stepping into the room and pushing Kay aside.

I hadn’t meant to push her, but she stumbled slightly and moved out of my way quickly as I rushed into the dorm room. Sarah was curled up on the couch and it seemed she was watching a movie when I entered. She looked up at me with furrowed brows and her lips were pressed together in a line.

“Um… rude,” she muttered. “How dare you barge in here when we were watching a movie.”

“Cut the act, Sarah,” I said through my teeth. “I know you did something to him, and you need to reverse it.”

“Did something to who?” She asked, narrowing her eyes at me.

“Ella, Sarah has been here all night—”

“I don’t believe that for a second,” I said, and I could feel my emotions getting the best of me. But I didn’t care; I needed answers. I needed to clear Scott’s name.

“Who are you even talking about?” Sarah asked, standing to her feet and folding her arms across her busty chest. “I haven’t spoken to anyone since yesterday.”


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