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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It novel Chapter 288

Colton’s POV

It was a long drive back to the jail; most of the drive was silent which was to be expected. Alpha Emmet was upset about his son being falsely accused of something he didn’t do.


The problem was that Scott confessed to the crime. But it’s come to our realization that he was given false memories from someone else at this school.

Alpha Bastien mindlinked me a few minutes ago to tell me that he was heading to the school in a few minutes to find out what students have abilities other than Sarah and who could have committed that horrific crime and framed Scott for it.

I was going to go to the school with Emmet later to help him with that investigation, but for right now, Scott really needed to see his son. I couldn’t blame him; if I had a son, I would stop at nothing to see him if he was put in this position.

“Keep an eye on Emmet. I’m worried he will do something stupid if given the chance,” Bastien said through our mindlink.

I glanced over at Emmet who was staring out the window; there was a void in his eyes, and he looked drained. It was obvious that he hadn’t slept a wink last night; not that I could blame him. But Alpha Bastien was right; under his mental capacity, he wasn’t in the right frame of mind to be making any decisions and he needed to be monitored closely.

“I will,” I assured him. “We won’t be long. I don’t want Ella at that school alone for long.”

“Gamma Alex is still there,” Bastien reminded me, making me roll my eyes and clutch the steering wheel tightly.

“I don’t trust him,” I said in return, trying not to make any sounds of distress and alerting Alpha Emmet that I was mindlinking.

“He’s good at his job,” Bastien assured me. “He might be an asshole, but he follows orders, and he won’t let us down. He will keep her safe until you get there.”

I said nothing more as I disconnected the mindlink. I really couldn’t stand Alex and I knew Ella couldn’t either. He couldn’t be trusted, even if he was good at his job.

As soon as I parked the car in the front parking lot of the station, Emmet was quickly getting out of the car and rushing toward the front door. I quickly followed after him, trying to get him to slow down.

“They aren’t going to let you in if you approach them with aggression,” I scolded.

“I need to see my son,” he muttered, pulling open the doors and storming inside the waiting room.

The dispatcher looked up from his computer and instantly rolled his eyes upon seeing Alpha Emmet stalking toward him.


“Let me in to see my son,” Emmet said through his teeth.

“You know I can’t do that,” the dispatcher said, sighing and shaking his head. “I’m sorry, but—”

“Sorry isn’t good enough,” Emmet growled. “I need to see him. It’s right to keep a father from seeing his child.”

I stepped beside Emmet, placing a hand on his shoulder to steady him. When Emmet relaxed slightly, I looked at the dispatcher who met my eyes.

“Look, he’s right. This is his son; he deserves to be able to talk to him,” I said calmly.

The dispatcher's face softened.

“It’s not up to me, Alpha Colton,” he said, glancing at Emmet. “It’s Alpha Jonathan’s orders.”

I nodded in understanding.

“I will get a hold of him then. Thank you. I know you are just doing your job,” I said simply.

The dispatcher relaxed in his seat and gave me a tired smile with a head nod.

Emmet was murmuring some profanities under his breath as he turned away to sit down. I pulled my cell phone out and called Alpha Jonathan right away.

He answered on the 4(th) ring.

“Alpha Colton; what honor do I have for this phone call?”

“I need a favor and only you can do this,” I said firmly, stepping out of earshot so Emmet wouldn’t listen, but I knew he still would.

“And what favor would that be?” Jonathan asked with curiosity in his tone.“You’ll let Alpha Emmet see his son,” I said simply.

There was a moment of pause on the other end.

“And why would I do that?” Jonathan asked, sounding annoyed by my request.

“Because it’s his son, Alpha,” I said in return. “He has a right to speak to his son.”

“His son is a murderer,” Alpha Jonathan said through his teeth; I could feel his growing anger from through the phone.


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