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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 569

Bonnie’s punch was about to land, but she stopped at the last second when she recognized who it was.

Sienna was frightened as she gulped and stared at Bonnie’s fist. It was just an inch away from the former’s face. Sienna could not help but feel impressed with Bonnie’s reaction speed and the force behind her punch.

Simultaneously, the former was awestruck because Bonnie stopped her punch so quickly. After all, one had to master the art of combat fully to do that.

‘Bonnie has attained such mastery. Setting aside our differences, she deserves to be a Grandmaster.’

Bonnie frowned and asked, “What are you doing here? Don’t you know it’s dangerous to sneak up on someone?”

Sienna felt exasperated when she heard that.

‘That’s bullshit! Sneaking up on people isn’t dangerous. Bonnie’s the only one who can make it dangerous!’

“I wanted to come and greet you when I saw you. Must you be so exaggerated? If I didn’t know any better, I would’ve thought you were worried someone was out to kill you.”

Bonnie raised her brows, thinking, ‘Although she didn’t mean it, she’s got me there. I did think a hitman was closing in on me.’

“You came over just to greet me? I didn’t think we were on speaking terms. Why would you waste your time doing that?”

Sienna crossed her arms, looking triumphant. She said, “You’re right. I didn’t have time to greet you. I’m here to tell you that I’ve already earned Ms. Bonita’s respect and started working for her. You lost the bet, Bonnie.”

Bonnie stifled a laugh and asked, “Are you sure? I heard Ms. Bonita was displeased with your past. She gave you another chance to change and learn to admit your mistakes. The fact that you’re Leo’s granddaughter helped, too.”


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