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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 592

Seizing the opportunity, Bonnie walked to the edge of the bed and helped Ivor up.

She held his broad hand and placed it on her shoulder. Feeling the man's breath, Bonnie felt a sense of unprecedented relief in her heart.

"Ivor, hang in there. I'll take you home."

The two of them walked toward the gate, and none of Auguste's subordinates dared to come forward to stop them.

After walking for a while, Bonnie suddenly heard the roaring sound of a helicopter in her ears.

Looking up, she saw the emblem of the military on the helicopter.

"Mr. Auguste, we've been tricked. Look, she didn't come alone!" Tyree shouted angrily.

Auguste looked at the helicopter circling overhead. He pointed frantically toward Bonnie and Ivor with intense anger.

"Damn it! They dare to deceive me! Go after them! Capture them! I want them torn limb from limb!"


The subordinates quickly surrounded Bonnie and Ivor.

Bonnie didn't expect such a turn of events. Seeing the people approaching, she grabbed Ivor and ran forward without a word.

The people behind them pursued them relentlessly.

Bonnie struggled to drag Ivor along and didn't even turn to look back.

When the footsteps behind them slowed, she cast a tentative glance back. Seeing them gradually distancing themselves from the pursuers, Bonnie couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


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